The Avondhu

Speeds approachin­g Carraig na bhFear 'absolute madness'


Speeds on the route into Carraig na bhFear village have been described as ‘absolute madness’, with Cllr Sinead Sheppard calling to have a digital speed sign installed on the main entry road to the village.

Tabling a motion at Tuesday’s meeting of the Cobh Municipal District, Cllr Sheppard noted a number of houses on the left-hand side of the road where occupants are put in danger entering and exiting their properties due to the high speeds being experience­d.

“You’re taking your life into your own hands coming in and out with a car. On the right-hand side, at the cross, you have the estate going down that people can't even come up that side of the walkway because it's just lethal there,” she said.

Cllr Sheppard went on to note that a speed survey in the area would be beneficial and outlined that the matter had been raised numerous times over the past three years.

“While we have carried out super works within the village with regards to speeding, that main stretch of road has probably been ignored. When people can see the speed they are going, it might alleviate them speeding because it just can't continue. The way it is, there will be a fatality up there or there will be a massive accident with people coming in and out of houses,” Cllr Sheppard added.

Supporting the motion, Cllr Sheila O’Callaghan concurred that the matter had been raised previously and noted that houses on this stretch are also situated on a raised area, meaning the steep incline adds to the difficulty.

“Unfortunat­ely there is a bend on the road as well that makes it very difficult and the traffic definitely is not doing 50km coming down around the bend. It creates a lot of issues around sightlines.

“People seem to just move through very quickly and then they come into a sudden bend. It’s a really lethal area so hopefully something can be done, maybe the visual display unit would be the answer to wake people up to the speeds that they are doing,” Cllr O’Callaghan remarked.


Responding, Cork County Council engineers stated that a speed survey can be carried out in the area and noted that a ‘concealed entrance’ sign may be of benefit.

Noting the 50kmph speed limit, it was outlined that further speed limit signage could be installed if not already in situ.

“We’ll get the result of the speed survey first before we go down the line of getting a speed feedback sign,” they said.

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