The Avondhu

Dog owners warned at O'Connell Park


Signs have been erected at O’Connell Park in Mitchelsto­wn recently as in the last number of weeks the incidences of dog fouling at the park have risen exponentia­lly. Almost one year ago, after the same vile behaviour was experience­d at the park, The Avondhu ran an article on the dangers of toxocarias­is, which is an infection that is carried through roundworm and can cause blindness in children.

This week, the chairman of Mitchelsto­wn GAA, John Walsh, confirmed that following that news piece, behaviour had improved significan­tly, but that now, ‘in the last four or five weeks’ the problem had arisen again.

Parents of the U6, U8, and U10 teams have been in contact with Mr Walsh and while all are picking up what they can, attention to the dangers of dog waste, as well as the real unpleasant­ness and ignorance of the behaviour, which is interferin­g with children’s (and adult’s) training, needs to be brought to the offenders' attention. In this case, dogs are not only using the surroundin­g walkway as an open toilet but also the pitch itself. In particular, it should be noted that children playing football will be putting their hands on the ground and on the ball and likely then touching their faces.

Cork County Council state that the toxocarias­is is usually a mild infection in humans, although symptoms may persist for many months and is characteri­sed by fever, feeling generally unwell and chest symptoms. Other symptoms like abdominal pains and generalise­d rash, may occur. In extreme cases the eye may be affected, resulting in loss of vision in that eye. The disease is rarely fatal.

An on-the-spot fine of €150 can be imposed by the council on the owner of a dog who fails to remove dog faeces from a public place, with the maximum fine for this offence being €3,000.

 ?? ?? A new sign on the gates of O’Connell Park, where the incidences of dog fouling have risen again.
A new sign on the gates of O’Connell Park, where the incidences of dog fouling have risen again.

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