The Corkman

Caroline Bell



In addition, however, she plans to develop her skills into more bespoke designs, and cakes that defy gravitiy, such as animals that stand up like the real thing. “This is a huge challenge as for me the cake needs to be edible, realistic and needs to travel safely on Irish roads (which is a challenge all in itself ),” she says. Caroline expects this will keep her busy for many years to come.


“Having been nominated with such amazing feedback from someone who felt strongly enough to go to the trouble of nominating me is an enormous compliment and makes the hours and hours of time and dedication that it takes to complete a weeks worth of orders absolutely worth it,” said Caroline.

“Moving to Ireland has given me many challenges, being a wife and mother of two children with all that that entails as well as running a successful business from home I hope will showcase to others that with skill and determinat­ion you can achieve something worthwhile.

“Having the recognitio­n that your skill stands out is the icing on the cake ...”

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