The Irish Mail on Sunday



‘We can’t go mad again.’

Michael Noonan, Finance Minister, as Ireland exited the bailout last Sunday ‘There were two men who used to come every Friday. Sometimes they paid my mum’s electricit­y bill, sometimes they would pay the coal. My mother used to tell me that they were my Uncle Vincent and my Uncle Paul.’

Brendan O’Carroll, comedian, on how the Society of St Vincent de Paul

helped out when he was a child ‘He loves bacon and cabbage with turnip and his stew as well.’

Maura Gallagher, mother of One Direction’s Niall Horan, says fame

hasn’t changed him very much ‘I wanted to be husband number eight but we ran out of road.’

Colin Farrell, on the close friendship he struck up with Elizabeth Taylor

shortly before she died

‘I don’t know how to smile, so I stick my tongue out, because I don’t know what else to do.’

Miley Cyrus, on why she’s constantly pictured sticking her tongue out ‘The people in my area are expected to drink glorified p*** and the minister of state will charge them for it.’

Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan, independen­t TD, attacking Fine Gael junior minister Fergus O’Dowd over the introducti­on

of water charges when the water in his constituen­cy is undrinkabl­e due to

cryptospor­idium ‘I really got into the groove of beating people up in front of the camera.’

Victoria Smurfit, actress, says she particular­ly enjoyed filming the violent

scenes for TV drama Dracula

 ??  ?? ‘I used to work in a smoothie shop. I mostly worked behind the register, but once a week someone had to dress up as a piece of fruit and stand out on the highway.’
Megan Fox, Hollywood actress, on her career before she became a
Hollywood star
‘I used to work in a smoothie shop. I mostly worked behind the register, but once a week someone had to dress up as a piece of fruit and stand out on the highway.’ Megan Fox, Hollywood actress, on her career before she became a Hollywood star

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