The Irish Mail on Sunday

Bus passengers slaughtere­d at side of the road by Muslim terrorists

- By Barbara Jones

ISLAMIC terrorists hijacked a bus at gunpoint yesterday morning in Kenya and murdered 28 passengers who failed a supposed ‘Muslim test’.

The Al Shabab killers separated Muslims from non-Muslims by ordering their victims to recite verses from the Koran. Those who could not were murdered.

An eyewitness described how the terrified passengers were ordered off the bus in remote countrysid­e 19 miles from Mandera town in northern Kenya and told to recite verses of the holy book while guns were held to their heads.

The 60 passengers were separated into groups. Somalis were ordered to one side.

‘The non-Somalis were ordered to read some verses of the holy Koran,’ witness Ahmed Mahat said. ‘Those who failed to read were ordered to lie down. One by one they were shot in the head.’

Mr Mahat, a teacher from Mandera, said some Somali men were also shot after pleading with the gunmen to spare nonMuslim passengers.

Their bodies were left at the roadside while the terrorist gang tried to drive the bus away from the scene. When it got stuck in mud, they fled on foot.

Many of the passengers, travelling overnight to the capital city Nairobi, were civil servants and teachers going on leave.

While police have said they were ‘in pursuit of the criminal gang’ which carried out the attack, local officials have slammed the country’s security agencies for failing to post extra security.

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