The Irish Mail on Sunday

Cheika rues how Aussies missed golden opportunit­y

- By Adam Redmond

LEAVING Paris, Michael Cheika knew his team had come within inches of a lucky victory, but he departed Dublin feeling that his team had let a big opportunit­y slip through their fingertips.

The former Leinster boss slumped in his chair in the post-match press conference and was genuinely deflated − yet after 15 minutes you could well have seen the reappearan­ce of that famous temper of his.

Tommy Bowe’s intercept try was a pivotal moment for Ireland because Australia had a three-man overlap and Cheika was left to rue the decision taken by his scrumhalf Nick Phipps.

‘We gave away a try early but we were about to rectify that with seven of our own and then they got an intercept try,’ he said.

‘We made a poor decision there to go for the wrong pass and next thing you know it’s 17-0.’

His team fought back to lead 20-17 just prior to halftime.

‘We showed a lot of resilience, a lot of toughness to come back from that,’ the Australia boss added.

‘It would have been easy to pack it up but we came back really well and I’m very sad about losing.’

There was a persistent threat to Cheika’s team but after the hour mark Ireland had their number. The carousel of Matt Toomua, Kurtley Beale and Quade Cooper at first receiver put plenty of pace and width in Australia’s play but the Irish defence were able to shepherd them from sideline to sideline.

Losing in the city he called home for five years was also disappoint­ing for Cheika.

‘It’s hard to really like people and then want to go out and smash them on Saturday, but that’s rugby at the end of the day,’ he added.

‘It’s very disappoint­ing because you want to beat them and you respect them and you want to show you’re better.

‘It’s very mixed emotions all week, I knew everyone was lying to me when they wished me luck.’

 ??  ?? REGRETS: Michael Cheika
REGRETS: Michael Cheika

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