The Irish Mail on Sunday

Fine Gael fixer back as Kenny sets his sights on re-election

- By John Lee

MINISTERS welcomed the return of Fine Gael’s backroom political fixer and former Irish Water PR man Mark Mortell last night as a clear indication that Enda Kenny has begun his march towards the general election.

Mr Mortell, who helped mastermind Fine Gael’s successful 2011 general election campaign, has become increasing­ly visible in party organisati­on planning in recent weeks.

He chaired a number of meetings at the party’s parliament­ary think-in at Fota Island in Cork in September and many believe he is the true campaign manager for 2016.

Mr Mortell is a director at Fleishman Hillard PR consultant­s, where until recently he managed the Irish Water account. The firm no longer represents Irish Water.

Though Mr Kenny and Tánaiste Joan Burton have told colleagues there will be no election until 2016, a general war footing is apparent in the Dáil as TDs prepare for an unforeseen event that could lead to an early poll.

The Irish Mail on Sunday revealed last week that the Government planned to accelerate its election preparatio­n with an assault on Sinn Féin and promotion of its economic agenda.

The attack on Sinn Féin has clearly started, as evidenced by Joan Burton’s apparent linking of notorious paedophile Domhnall Ó Lubhlaí to the party in the Dáil.

Sinn Féin struck back yesterday when a party spokesman said on behalf of the leadership: ‘People have become increasing­ly disillusio­ned with the conservati­ve politics of Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil and Labour.

‘Relentless austerity has taken its toll and the water tax is the final straw. People are turning to Sinn Féin in greater numbers.’

The Taoiseach along with Finance Minister Michael Noonan urged the electorate in recent days to choose stability over by Sinn Féin. A Fine Gael/ Fianna Fáil coalition is seen by many as a possibilit­y now.

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