The Irish Mail on Sunday

‘There won’t be evidence of crimes, I didn’t commit any’


4th November 2015

Dear Melissa,

1 So excited to get your letter today, it is so nice getting one, I wasnt expecting to hear back. I only realised after I posted mine, and after re-reading yours that I put the wrong address on it! So I was wondering should I re-write it, but then your letter was handed to me! Yay!

Today is the 4th so it is the fastest letter I have received so far, normally they take 7-10 days, 2 is a new record! They still take 2-4 weeks to get out so if it is ever longer than a month (hopefully not) do not worry I will write anyway.

1 So of course I will always have time for you, I have put your name on my visitors list in case you want to meet me one day, and I am trying to put your number on my

phone system, so do not be alarmed if you get a prison officer ringing to confirm and it rings from a with-held number, thats just them trying to clear you for phone contact. Do let me know if you change your number, and dont be nervous or shy, the calls are very short and there is lots to talk about! :)

I am very happy to get your letter, the

1 third nice thing that happened this week, today my two brothers Brendan and James came to visit and we had a good laugh, while on Monday, my parents, Susan & Sean visited.

Right now, I am waiting to get access to my legal docs on my laptop to get cracking on both my appeal, and the 7-day high court challenge against a number of things, see the * on the attached sheet. The sheet has 5 points, there are actually 12, on November 13th I am getting a draft of the ‘big’ submission that warns the DPP what points of law we will be arguing, but I can tell you here, the bit I underlined is the single most important thing. You said it yourself in your first letter. No evidence any crime was committed.

I have to make notes, and return them to the barristers, on the 20th of November so that will be a busy week, no bass playing or Playstatio­n! Ha ha!

Then, when it is finalised, I will get a date for next year but I need my computer first! If it was submitted now, I would expect to get a date around April ’16 but given the way things are going, maybe a few months after that. You can come along and I will blow you a kiss! Ha! The judges will love that!!

Yeah, the tabloid stories are nuts, I am even getting married in one of them. I do get a good laugh out of them, but am registerin­g the serious mis-truth ones with the press ombudsman, I can tackle them once my appeal is over, as long as they are within 2 years of publicatio­n, and registered within 3 months (as I go).

The more serious ones claim I am responsibl­e for lots of missing people and unsolved murders, they even mentioned my name 4 times when appealing for fresh info regarding one person. But there won’t be any evidence of any crimes, as I didn’t commit any! Just

2 extreme sex stuff that shocked the journalist­s and jury!! 50 shades of 3 Graham! I always want to be the best I can be, whatever I do! : )

4 The trial was tough, in many respects, but I had prepared myself for both

eventualit­ies and had briefed my family & friends on the shocking stuff.

Prison definitely toughened me up, and playing poker helped me not give away internal emotions (too much, I did shed a tear or two at the mention of my children), and I used to practice meditation, learned it at the Dublin Buddhist Centre years ago, it has also helped me not hold any anger or hatred for my accussors or contempt for those who lied, and wrote lies about me.

Staying calm & neutral saved me, taking stock of what I have lost and what I still have who I am, and what I am. So I am still a good person, who has love to give and worthy of someones effections. I am still

5 a father, a son, a brother, a good friend, still an architect, a musician, and I still have my sardonic sense of humour, I would be lost without that.

And you, your letters & friendship all help me, support me, lift my spirits and give me energy for the fight ahead! Thank you! As Winston Churchill once said “when you are going through hell - keep going” so I am 6 still going, and will not rest until I am

free and my name cleared. I will buy Dr Cassidy, a pint, and take you out to celebrate!! Hee Hee!

I am getting to keep my guitar in my cell very soon, the music I like and listen to is very different to the music I play with the

prison group. I like rock, funk, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Kings of 7 Leon but we play The Beatles, Eagles (Who?) middle of the road stuff, would love a good drummer to get arrested and live here! Woohooo! And then I listen to electronic stuff with no guitars, Depeche

8 Mode, all that dark moody stuff, must stop wearing black all the time, sends

out the wrong signals, especially now! I have never written songs, just basslines for some songs when I was in a band, maybe one day. I think it starts as poetry, on a personal theme (I have lots of those!) and then you recite it, hum it, till something clicks, then sit down with a guitar and try different things until you are starting to copy a tune you know, stop, and start over, turn it upside – down, try it back to front, see what happens! At least, in prison, you can sing your head off out loud in your cell and not bother anyone. All walls should be this thick! Ha Ha!

So you have a tan & speak Spanish? I will have to learn some from my next door

neighbour, can you send me a photo? You have seen mine already! Lol!!! Staple it to your letter so it doesn’t end up in the wrong hands!

You mentioned Star Wars, I am a huge fan, so upset I wont be able to see Episode VII and Kylo Ren as soon as it comes out, will have to wait for the DVD! Sigh! Maybe my appeal will be over and I am out before it comes out on disk, as long as it is Jar-Jar binks free, I am happy! :)

I miss the cinema and the whole popcorn thing, its nice to make an event of things like that, it makes the experience so much more memorable! My biggest fear is ending up alone with no one to share stuff like that with. I need to eventually demonstrat­e that I am not the person portrayed in the media and I will do it well. I am going to ‘Toastmaste­rs’ classes in here (I never heard of them either) and it helps with self-confidence, communicat­ion, body language, speech making, ice breaking, entertaini­ng, etc.

I was never a shrinking violet, took control of difficult situations, but, normally that was with building projects! Not prison! It is difficult to translate my previous abilities to my current situation, I know you have to have a thicker skin, a longer fuse, be respectful to everyone and avoid conflict at all costs, thinking ahead to how someone might take something up the wrong way and take offence when

none was meant. I am super-polite

9 to people who have done some terrible things (allegedly!!) and I dont judge or take moral high ground or look down my nose at anyone, prisoner or anyone.

Its made me a much better person already, and I have no pre-judice towards any person or any societial groups, neutral & calm as a Hindu 10 cow! (Little vegetarian joke there!) Sooo ,... Thats all for now, hope I am not too boring and hope you will write soon, love getting your letters, thank you! 11 Yours Graham X 12

P.S. Love to Sonny!

 ??  ?? Dwyer includes a newspaper cutting with a picture of himself. He has drawn in a ponytail.
Dr robi says: He encloses a photo because he thinks he’s an asset and that it would help his case because he’s a good-looking guy. Sociopaths make a woman feel...
Dwyer includes a newspaper cutting with a picture of himself. He has drawn in a ponytail. Dr robi says: He encloses a photo because he thinks he’s an asset and that it would help his case because he’s a good-looking guy. Sociopaths make a woman feel...

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