The Irish Mail on Sunday


■Thousands of British voters now regret Brexit ■Ministers fear Kenny weak for vital EU talks

- By John Lee IN LONDON

HUNDREDS of thousands of Leave voters now believe they got the Brexit vote wrong – as the historic ramificati­ons continue to ripple across Ireland and the EU.

An online phenomenon known as Regrexit was gathering momentum last night as the number of people signing a petition calling for a second referendum hit 2.1 million. And a MoS poll last night confirmed that the equivalent of 1.13 million people

or 7 % of respondent­s – regret choosing to leave the EU.

It comes as Fine Gael ministers admitted they were concerned that Enda Kenny’s already weak position will have a damaging effect on Ireland’s negotiatio­n position with Europe on Brexit.

Meanwhile, the Taoiseach faced internal criticism over his preparatio­ns for the vote, choosing to play golf with Joe Biden rather than chair a Cabinet meeting that could have formulated a Plan B earlier.

In the UK, more than two million people have called for a second poll in an attempt to avoid a Brexit – as one senior MP said the House of Commons could reverse the result.

A new petition on the UK Parliament’s website calls for the UK Government to rule that ‘if the Remain or Leave vote is less than 60% based on a turnout of less than 75%, there should be another referendum’. By 7pm last night 2.07 million people had signed it.

That number takes it well over the 100,000-signature threshold needed to force a debate on the issue by MPs. A rush to sign the petition caused the website to crash temporaril­y due to the high volume of traffic.

Ben Howlett, a Conservati­ve MP, confirmed on Twitter last night than the petition would be discussed by a House of Commons subcommitt­ee on Tuesday.

Ex-Labour Minister David Lammy claimed that the British Parliament itself could vote down the referendum result. He wrote online: ‘Wake up. We can bring this nightmare to an end through a vote in Parliament.’

It comes as many Brexiters reveal their regret at the consequenc­es of their vote.

One voter, Adam from Manchester, told BBC TV on Friday: ‘My vote – I didn’t think was going to matter too much because I thought we were just going to remain.’

Another Leave voter, Mandy, told a London paper that she would change her vote if she could. ‘The reality is actually hitting,’ she said. ‘I wish I had the opportunit­y to vote again… I would do things differentl­y.’

One Twitter user Michael Tinmouth referenced Ireland’s rerun referendum in 2009. ‘The Irish got a second referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. Given number of #REGREXIT it’s highly unlikely but not impossible,’ he said.

The MoS survey echoes the online claims that many who voted Leave now regret it. A total of 7% said they wished they had not voted to quit the EU, equal to around 1,130,000 people; 4% said they regretted voting Remain, equal to around 696,000 people.

If they could recast their votes, it would not yet change the result – but it would slash the margin from 1.27million to 400,000.

 ??  ?? CoNFUSED: Voters googled EU
CoNFUSED: Voters googled EU

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