The Irish Mail on Sunday

Meghan’s (first!) wedding album

Wild party games, his top tipple... is it any wonder Harry fell for her?

- by Charlotte Griffiths

SHE’S portrayed as a health enthusiast with a penchant for yoga, quiet nights and green smoothies.

But as these exclusive pictures reveal, Meghan Markle also has a wild side to rival that of her boyfriend Prince Harry. These never-beforeseen photograph­s were taken by a guest at the actress’s 2011 Jamaican beach wedding to film producer Trevor Engelson. They show her dancing in the sand, playing ‘wheelbarro­w’ in a bikini, and seemingly ready to down a bottle of Red Stripe lager – which is also Harry’s favourite.

It’s a side to the sultry star of TV legal drama Suits that playful Harry – who was once caught on camera playing strip billiards in Las Vegas – will find impossible to resist.

Harry and Meghan spent last week watching the Northern Lights during a romantic holiday in Norway, and friends are expecting a wedding announceme­nt this year. Meghan, 35, is unlikely to be allowed a Church of England ceremony as she is divorced, splitting from Engelson in 2013.

But the prospect of a low-key wedding outside the UK is, by all accounts, an appealing prospect for Harry, 32, who has no desire for the type of traditiona­l ceremony enjoyed by his brother William at Westminste­r Abbey in 2011. A less formal affair may suit Toronto-based Meghan too. Our pictures show that she was so relaxed at her first wedding, she didn’t even bother to ask her guests to wear shoes.

 ??  ?? Cooling off In a teeny polka dot bikini, Meghan soaks up the Jamaican sun and enjoys a bottle of Red Stripe lager – Harry’s favourite
Cooling off In a teeny polka dot bikini, Meghan soaks up the Jamaican sun and enjoys a bottle of Red Stripe lager – Harry’s favourite
 ??  ?? Wheely great fun Meghan shows she’s game for a laugh as she plays a game of wheelbarro­ws across the sand with a male friend
Wheely great fun Meghan shows she’s game for a laugh as she plays a game of wheelbarro­ws across the sand with a male friend
 ??  ?? Her Highness The new bride and her husband are carried aloft on chairs by guests
Her Highness The new bride and her husband are carried aloft on chairs by guests
 ??  ??

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