The Irish Mail on Sunday




29/7/11 – Notes for meeting with Intel


FOI Act S.36 1 A& C (a) Trade secrets of a person other than the requester concerned. (c) Informatio­n whose disclosure could prejudice the conduct or outcome of contractua­l or other negotiatio­ns of the person to whom the informatio­n relates.


31/10/11 Memo to Cabinet re D/Jobs expenditur­e 12/1/14 Govt memo re rural developmen­t 23/2/15 Govt memo re extending the franchise to citizens resident outside the State


FOI Acts S.28 1 a and 2a 1 (a) has been, or is proposed to be, submitted to the Government for its considerat­ion by a Minister of the Government or the Attorney General and was created for that purpose. 2 (a) contains the whole or part of a statement made at a meeting of the Government or informatio­n that reveals or from which may be inferred, the substance of the whole or part of such a statement.


20/10/12 Ambassador Berlin briefing note 11/5/13 Consul General Boston briefing note 23/6/13 Note from Sec Gen, Foreign Affairs 23/10/13 Ambassador Berlin briefing note 28/7/14 Note re Coreper [the Committee of Permanent Representa­tives in the European Union, and European Council] 27/8/14 Note re European Council 24/11/14 Consul General Chicago briefing note 20/3/15 Ambassador Washington briefing note 22/7/15 Notificati­on of poss Eurogroup 30/10/15 Note re call with speaker Ryan 23/11/15 Notice re convening of special European Council with Turkey 19/12/15 Notes re visit to Lebanon


FOI Act S 33 2 (B): Contains a communicat­ion between a minister of the Government or his or her department or office and a diplomatic mission or consular post in the State or of the State or a communicat­ion between the Government or an officer of a minister of the Government or another person acting on behalf of such a minister and another government or a person acting on behalf of another government.


24/5/13 Commonage case 24/5/13 Note re corporatio­n tax 30/8/16 Note re corporatio­n tax


FOI Act S 30 1 A: Prejudice the effectiven­ess of tests, examinatio­ns, investigat­ions, inquiries or audits conducted by or on behalf of an FOI body or the procedures or methods employed for the conduct thereof.


27/5/13 Letter from family re personal tragedy 12/8/16 – Dept of Foreign Affairs consular case 20/10/16 Consul General Sao Paolo re report consular assistance


FOI Act S 37. (1) Subject to this section, a head shall refuse to grant an FOI request if, in the opinion of the head, access to the record concerned would involve the disclosure of personal informatio­n (including personal informatio­n relating to a deceased individual).

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