The Irish Mail on Sunday

The English Guide To Birdwatchi­ng

Nicholas Royle Myriad €13.99

- Max Davidson

Farewell, traditiona­l fiction. There can be a no more eccentric novel this year than this one. Nicholas Royle starts out telling the story of two undertaker­s who decide to retire to the seaside, then takes a detour into the literary shortcomin­gs of two different writers – both of whom happen to be called Nicholas Royle – then meditates on the joys of birdwatchi­ng. The result is a mishmash of a book so selfindulg­ent in places it is embarrassi­ng. But, despite this, I could not help enjoying it. There is a fertile mind and a talented phrasemake­r behind the nervous mannerisms. Royle stimulates as often as he irritates.

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