The Irish Mail on Sunday



Place both hands together as if in a prayer position and put them side-on near the base of your partner’s neck. Slowly rub your hands together, applying a little pressure as you move across the surface of your partner’s shoulder in a sawing action. Build up speed and travel across the top of one shoulder and down a little into the upper back area. Then in a continuous movement, jump your hands over the spine and continue working on the opposite side of the upper back, travelling up and across to the other shoulder. Repeat three times.

Lift and drop your hands alternatel­y. As each one descends, let the sides of your fingers hit down lightly on the skin for this hacking stroke. Move across the shoulders and upper back. Work over the area three times.

Slide your hands down to the tops of your partner’s arms and hold there for a moment. Ask your partner to take a deep breath in and lift their arms slightly so that their shoulders are raised near their ears. As they breath out, let go of their arms. Repeat once.

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