The Irish Mail on Sunday

A liberal crack-up


An ongoing debate among leading philosophe­rs and writers over the centuries concerns whether secular liberalism results in a form of psychosis, even madness. In the 20th century, leading intellectu­als such TS Eliot (in The Waste Land) answered in the affirmativ­e.

Given that modern secularism was ushered in by the French Revolution, which resulted in genocide and the first documented accounts of government-inspired speech/thought control, it’s hard to disagree with their conclusion­s.

Secularism and liberalism, then as now, are characteri­sed by a combinatio­n of irrational­ity and intoleranc­e. Modern, liberal Ireland exhibits many of the characteri­stics of this psychosis.

From the intolerant response to anyone who dared to question the concept of same-sex marriage, to the positive hysteria exhibited during the recent National Maternity Hospital saga, all the signs are there.

Added to the mix is the abortion debate where a vacuous mantra of ‘a right to choose’ is supposed to shut down all argument. Strange times, indeed.

Eric Conway, Navan, Co. Meath.

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