The Irish Mail on Sunday



AS MORE schoolchil­dren get classroom experience of coding and computer science, tech companies are coming up with clever ways to make technology education fun as well as informativ­e. The Sphero SPRK+ is an educationa­l robot that’s making an impact in Irish schools. The spherical little bot is ideal for classroom experiment­s and has Bluetooth connectivi­ty built in. This little gadget can be programmed in various ways including via Apple’s Swift Playground­s for iPad. It can whizz around the classroom floor at more than 6kph and students can programme it to roll, turn and change colour. It will even sense obstructio­ns and send feedback to its programmer. Kids will get coding experience, as well as an understand­ing of robots and sensors. It’s compatible with iOS, Android and is priced fairly enough to make it attractive for use at home. This is serious fun, for kids of all ages.

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