The Irish Mail on Sunday

Regina, gaffes queen


ONE might expect that the cornerston­e of any new politics would be transparen­cy with the truth. It seems, however, that old habits die hard.

Last week, Employment and Social Protection Minister Regina Doherty, said: ‘I don’t know where people get the view that people who are living on welfare are living the life of Riley because, Jaysus, I couldn’t live on €198 a week and that’s being honest.’ Even for someone with a track record of putting her proverbial foot in it, this was an astonishin­g gaffe. The reason being that those on the dole currently receive €193 a week.

Was this a scripted remark or was Ms Doherty up to her usual trick of speaking off the cuff? Since last Thursday, this newspaper has repeatedly sought in vain to get an answer from her office. So much for the new politics of openness.

Regina Doherty may have sought to ‘connect’ with those on social welfare. The reality is that she has simply compounded her reputation as someone whose gaffes are more notable than her achievemen­ts.

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