The Irish Mail on Sunday



WHEN is an adjective considered to be personal informatio­n? When it is redacted, it seems.

Asked why an adjective describing a voice mail left by Michael Colgan for an Arts Council official was redacted, the agency suggested the adjective could be deemed defamatory. However, this suggestion could be construed as a little confusing, to say the least. According to the FOI Act, a body cannot be held liable criminally, or in civil proceeding­s, for the release of potentiall­y defamatory informatio­n. However, this ‘safeguard’ has yet to be tested in court. In the letter responding to the Mail on Sunday’s FOI request, the council said it was withholdin­g names, email addresses, the adjective used to describe a voice message left by Mr Colgan as well as paragraphs of email text written by its own staff, because it was personal informatio­n. Personal and defamatory – we wonder what the adjective was?

 ??  ?? blackout: The redacted email from the Arts Council
blackout: The redacted email from the Arts Council
 ??  ?? david parnell: Alleged victim of verbal attack
david parnell: Alleged victim of verbal attack

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