The Irish Mail on Sunday



Our Bare Bones Crossword is unique because you have to complete the grid – numbers and squares – as well. We have inserted four black squares and four clue numbers to get you going. The crossword has a four-way symmetry: both top and bottom and left and right match, so you can fill in 12 more squares straight away. There is a prize of a Collins Pocket Thesaurus. Send your solution to: Bare Bones Puzzle No.595, The Irish Mail on Sunday, PO Box 5332, Cardiff Lane, Dublin 2. Entries must arrive by Friday (photocopie­s not accepted). The winner of Bare Bones No.594 will be announced next week.


5 31 days, getting no new order from ruler 7 House of Commons official has a part of hi-fi 10 Left old ship to have a bit of fun 11 Tree fruit can be a painful affliction 12 Chief sobs when ill-treated 13 Telly addict watches frame that has food on it (Two words) 16 Tie played with university, in case 17 A French one takes on a trade associatio­n 18 Surgeon has a strong inner drive 19 Moderately slow, also with neat adjustment 20 Person’s ancestry shows moral degeneracy


1 Highly principled Frenchman has spoken 2 Public vacation on which you can rely (Two words) 3 Talk, having a drink and a chop (Two words) 4 Conversed about a bit of poetry 6 Ali formerly on bench that may be seen in the French Open (Two words) 8 Contrition of Eastern fool who’s in the money 9 Plod about, greeting northern swimmer 14 Daring feat to amaze the leader 15 In the past, city was in severe pain

 ??  ??
 ??  ??

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