The Irish Mail on Sunday



Our Bare Bones Crossword is unique because you have to complete the grid – numbers and squares – as well. We have inserted four black squares and four clue numbers to get you going. The crossword has a four-way symmetry: both top and bottom and left and right match, so you can fill in 12 more squares straight away. There is a prize of a Collins Pocket Thesaurus. Send your solution to: Bare Bones Puzzle No.599, The Irish Mail on Sunday, PO Box 5332, Cardiff Lane, Dublin 2. Entries must arrive by Friday (photocopie­s not accepted). The winner of Bare Bones No.598 is Donald Nolan, Swords, Co. Dublin. Across 1 Throw a group of actors 4 School head isn’t commonly a good man 7 Make beer of calibre, weak 9 Nothing seen in award for triumph 10 Laud performanc­e by tenor who’s fully developed 11 Fever is indistinct, but not initially 12 Art museum has no time for a recluse 13 I creep off to get a set of instructio­ns 14 Liaison with a loud blonde 18 Group has registered for a late morning meal 20 Best of undergradu­ates get Asian food 21 Sketch by student for a lazy speech 22 The sort to use a machine to write 23 Ticket price is reasonable, by the sound of it 24 Last character is round to play game 25 Check report of bad weather

Down 2 Make amends by sending a note 3 Gauge and record a course of action (Two words) 4 His ultimate hypocrisy is barely sufficient 5 Acclimatis­e to terrible ruin, to a point 6 Teacher has a way of cooking trout 7 Accountant puts some food on the table (Two words) 8 Provide European with a joke 15 Plant life to behold far away outside 16 Raid carried out on old medium 17 Spilling lager produces angry look 18 Sculpt a slab of wood 19 Place in the Gulf of Naples that’s pants

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? NO.599

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