The Irish Mail on Sunday



Test Copy (Viking, Clontarf, is a one-woman play written and performed with great energy by Roseanna Purcell. It gives us a macho version of female youth. Inevitably there’s a fine array of four- and six-letter language. Louise, a Tipperary convent schoolgirl, has none of the demure demeanour of well-spoken young ladies. ‘She brings us through her transition year of peer pressure, bullying, awakening sexuality, her uninhibite­d treatment of anyone she doesn’t like, and her idolisatio­n of top tough girl, Phyllis. The dominant tone is of bawdy humour. One of the problems with shows that set a target of non-stop raucous humour based on rough language, is that there’s a bit of a come-down when the humour is replaced by serious stuff. Which is what happens when Louise eventually finds herself isolated. Runs until April 14.

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