The Irish Mail on Sunday


A mischievou­s mix of (mostly) news


SINN Féin presidenti­al candidate Liadh Ní Riada has said she intends to take €163,000 of the presidenti­al salary, and that the remainder will be returned to the State. Smokes wondered whether this would make her the highest-paid Sinn Féin elected representa­tive, considerin­g the others let the party dip into their pay packets and take home only the average industrial wage. A Sinn Féin spin doctor explained that this restrictio­n would not apply in the case of the Presidency. ‘If Liadh is elected she will cease to be a Sinn Féin elected representa­tive and will be a President for all the Irish people.’ In other words: Kerching! SMOKES hears that at least three Fianna Fáil TDs protested in the only way they could when the Soldiers of Destiny decided to back Simon Harris’s controvers­ial legislatio­n on placing cancer warning labels on alcohol. The lads engaged in a Gandhi-style act of passive resistance by adjourning from the voting to the members’ bar. DURING last week’s downpours a female senior minister left her pink, very feminine umbrella in the doorway TDs go through to vote. ‘I was astonished to see it was gone when I returned,’ she told Smokes. ‘The age of chivalry is definitely dead. I wouldn’t mind but I’d just had my hair done.’ The umbrella was returned.

But the hair-do was ruined. THERESA MAY, left, delivered a zinger of a response to a press conference question from the Daily Telegraph this week: ‘What do you pray for in church, Prime Minister?’ ‘I pray for serious questions from journalist­s,’ she deadpanned.

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