The Irish Mail on Sunday

Proof nothing trips up Amal


IT’S a reverse-Cinderella. Amal Clooney has her prince already but lost her shoe as she was leaving a gathering in Manhattan last week. Cobbleston­ed streets and high heels undid her, as they have undone many a lesser woman before her. Unlike the rest of us, however, Amal, left, still looked irritating­ly elegant.

A NEW Amazon series about serial killer Ted Bundy is in the works. Were he alive, he would be thrilled. Good reason, surely, not to do it.

ALMOST two months to the day after she killed 19-year-old Harry Dunn when her car, allegedly travelling on the wrong side of the road, collided with his motorbike outside an RAF base, Anne Sacoolas agreed to be interviewe­d by Northampto­nshire police. Good of her. The interview took place in her native US where the wife of an American spy fled claiming diplomatic immunity. According to Chief Constable Nick Adderley, she wanted ‘to be personally interviewe­d by officers…in order for them to see her and the devastatio­n this has caused her and her family’. Ah, yes. The poor, devastated…culprit? Really? Sacoolas has much to learn about what devastatio­n really means.

YESTERDAY, for the first time, I saw someone use their – I want to say Apple watch? Is that right? – to pay their way through a train turnstile. I followed them for about ten feet in wonderment, like a medieval peasant in a strange future world...

SIMON COWELL has cancelled his 60th birthday party at short notice, citing ‘scheduling conflicts’. Hmm. Possibly. But it sounds to me more like time has caught up with him and he’s suddenly realised what we ordinary mortals have known since we hit 35 – that nothing compares to staying in. Especially not going out.

Pyjamas instead of glad rags. Tea and toast instead of cocktails and canapes. Netflix and sofa instead of dancing and taxis. God, it’s lovely. Cancelling plans is the biggest rush I know. FOMO – fear of missing out – has been wholly and irrevocabl­y replaced by JOMO: the incandesce­nt joy of doing so.

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