The Irish Mail on Sunday

A hawk’s ferocious revenge – or the lies of a ‘sick puppy’?

Donald Trump says his adviser’s memoir is fiction and just a cynical bid to get even after being sacked, but John Bolton’s damning accusation­s have the ring of truth


The Room Where It Happened John Bolton Simon & Schuster €28 ★★★★★

One or two readers have been less than enthusiast­ic about this big, fat Washington memoir. ‘Bolton’s book, which is getting terrible reviews, is a compilatio­n of lies and made-up stories, all intended to make me look bad,’ wrote one early reviewer, Donald J Trump. ‘Many of the ridiculous statements he attributes to me were never made, pure fiction. Just trying to get even for firing him like the sick puppy he is!’

Later that same day, Trump ramped up his attacks on the author, describing him as, ‘A disgruntle­d boring fool who only wanted to go to war. Never had a clue, was ostracized & happily dumped. What a dope!’

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has been equally snippety, calling John Bolton ‘a traitor who damaged America by violating his sacred trust with its people’.

Of course, Pompeo’s fury may well be fuelled by embarrassm­ent. After all, Bolton had repeated in print some of the rude things Pompeo had said about the President behind his back. On one occasion he had apparently passed Bolton a note that simply read: ‘He is so full of s***.’

Small wonder that Pompeo has now turned on his former colleague, accusing him of ‘spreading a number of lies, fully spun half-truths and outright falsehoods’.

Yet it had all started so happily. In the early months of his presidency Trump had been keen to recruit Bolton to his team, largely, it seems, because he so enjoyed his hawkish pronouncem­ents on Fox News. He invited him into the White House for a chat about ‘the full range of world issues’. At one point during their talk the President turned to his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and said: ‘This is so great. John sounds just like he does on television. I could just keep listening. I love it.’

On this basis, he ended up offering Bolton a job as one of his many assistants, but for the former diplomat it was ‘a complete nonstarter’. He was determined to be National Security Advisor, and was not prepared to settle for second best.

His stubbornne­ss paid off. Fifteen months into the Trump presidency he got the job he wanted. ‘You know, John’s been preparing all his life for this job,’ Trump told President Macron when they met him. ‘He was a genius on Fox TV, you know, and now he’s got to make hard decisions, which he didn’t have to do on TV, but he’s doing a great job.’

From the outset Boltonwasw­ondering what he had got himself into. He found the White House in a state of chaos, with the opportunit­ies presented by the President’s first year in power ‘botched irretrieva­bly’, policies shaped one day and discarded the next, and everyone in the administra­tion at war with one another.

The weekly trade meetings, for instance, ‘more closely resembled college food fights than careful decision-making’.

As for the President himself, he was only ever interested in how things would play in the media. He was bombastic, ignorant, petulant and random. According to Bolton it was ‘like making and executing policy inside a pinball machine’. One of Bolton’s sharpest friends said he’d been wrong to compare Trump to an 11-year-old boy. ‘I was off by ten years.’ Trump was in the process of arranging a meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, which the hardline Bolton was dead against, hoping that ‘maybe the whole thing would collapse’.

Trump had originally hired Bolton because he liked his tough-guy, bomb-’emall-to-hell stance on Fox TV, but, as it turned out, Trump always warmed to despots and dictators in person, particular­ly those who went to the trouble of flattering him. Within minutes of meeting Kim Jong Un, Trump was complainin­g to him about the ‘tremendous dishonesty’ of the Western press, and telling this massmurder­er that he saw him as ‘a very good person, totally sincere, with a great personalit­y’.

Within minutes, Trump had agreed to stop US military exercises in the area, having gained nothing definite in return. Kim smiled and laughed and smiled some more. ‘Trump then pointed to Kim and said he was the only one that mattered. Kim agreed he was doing things his way, and that he and Trump would get along.’

Before they left, Trump turned to his National Security Advisor and informed Kim Jong Un that Bolton was ‘on Fox News all the time, calling for war with Russia, China and North Korea, but it was a lot different on the inside’. This, notes Bolton, ‘had all the North Koreans in stitches’. Back home in the Oval Office, Trump read out an over-the-top letter he had received from Kim Jong Un. ‘This is a wonderful letter... Listen to what he says about me.’ But the letter was pure mush. It was, says Bolton, ‘as if the letter had been written by Pavlovians who knew exactly how to touch the nerves enhancing Trump’s self-esteem’. The same pattern occurred at every meeting with the world’s most powerful dictators: toughness instantly transforme­d

by flattery into obeisance. President Xi of China ‘began by telling Trump how wonderful he was, laying it on thick... Xi said he wanted to work with Trump for six more years, and Trump replied that people were saying that the two-term constituti­onal limit on presidents should be repealed for him. Later, ‘Xi explained to Trump why he was basically building concentrat­ion camps in Xinjiang. According to our interprete­r, Trump said that Xi should go ahead with building the camps, which he thought was exactly the right thing to do.’

It is impossible to think of another president so willing to oil the wheels of oppression in exchange for being slathered in praise. For Trump, everything in the universe, no matter how big or small, reflects back on Trump. ‘He couldn’t tell the difference between his personal interests and the country’s interests,’ observes Bolton. This is why, in his meeting with Xi, ‘he then, stunningly, turned the conversati­on to the coming US presidenti­al election, alluding to China’s economic capability to affect the ongoing campaigns, pleading with Xi to ensure he’d win’.

This one sentence would, in normal circumstan­ces, be sufficient to find Donald Trump marched off to a high-security prison in orange overalls. How accurate is Bolton’s account? He was obviously a strenuous note-taker, and he makes it clear that, but for the US government’s pre-publicatio­n review process, he would be able to quote Trump’s exact words. The artlessnes­s of the book – there is virtually no character descriptio­n, precious little drive, and he barely notices his surroundin­gs, beyond finding Blenheim Palace ‘most impressive’ – suggests a degree of authentici­ty lacking in zippier narratives.

Bolton has long been a hate figure in Democrat circles. He views both Trump and Obama as lily-livered surrender-monkeys. But to me this makes his dismay at Trump’s vain, childish idiocies, his lack of any clear moral or political stance, all the more telling.

As a memoirist, though, Bolton is deficient, in that he never quite explains why he went along with it all, right up to the bitter end.

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 ??  ?? shooting from the lip: Author John Bolton
shooting from the lip: Author John Bolton
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