The Irish Mail on Sunday

Amber’s angels

Kylie, Cate Blanchett and the rest of star’s girl gang throw her a party after her torrid week in Johnny Depp libel battle

- By Katie Hind

AS SHE prepares for more dramatic courtroom revelation­s about the acrimoniou­s breakdown of her marriage, Amber Heard last night surrounded herself with a stellar cast of powerful, high-profile women.

Kylie Minogue and Cate Blanchett were among guests at a party thrown in Miss Heard’s honour, offering their moral support amid a bitter High Court showdown with her former husband Johnny Depp.

The American actress is being supported by a group of women nicknamed ‘Amber’s Angels’, which also include prominent feminists such as the author Kathy Lette, who hosted last night’s party at her North London home, and lawyer Baroness Kennedy.

Ms Heard last week came face-to-face with Mr Depp at the High Court where his libel battle against The Sun newspaper is being played out in graphic detail. The scene could barely have been any different last night as the group dined in a low-key party.

Ms Heard arrived dressed in a tight-fitting black dress with a grey floral jacket. She was joined by TV presenter Sandi Toksvig and her wife, Debbie, Baroness Helena Kennedy, and her lawyer, Jennifer Robinson.

Ms Blanchett and Ms Minogue joined the party via Skype.

The eclectic mix of women had, separately, got in touch with Ms Heard over recent months and, according to a source, became her secret support network.

‘These women wanted to support Amber and they wanted to throw her a nice dinner to give her a boost,’ said the source.

‘They are a group of like-minded women who have all been through their own challenges and they have become her solid gang.

‘She has her sister Whitney and her lawyers, but these are her girls.’

The dinner comes after four days of sensationa­l UK High Court claims which peaked on Friday with Mr Depp being questioned about allegation­s that he hurled a phone at Ms Heard and branded her ‘Amber T***’ for allegedly soiling their bed after a furious row during her 30th birthday party, though he said he did not know who or what had left the deposit.

Mr Depp is suing over an article which branded him a ‘wife beater’, which he vehemently denies.

The court was shown a photograph of Ms Heard’s face, which the Hollywood star agreed showed a red mark but he denied throwing the phone at her.

During evidence last week, it was also claimed that Mr Depp used his severed finger as a paintbrush to write ‘I love you’ on a mirror after rowing with his new wife in 2015.

The star left blood and paint on walls, sofas and floors as he reportedly ‘completely destroyed’ a house he was renting in Australia, the trial heard. Mr Depp is alleged to have guzzled a ‘handful’ of ecstasy pills before subjecting the actress to a terrifying ordeal. He denied this or of being violent to Heard, saying he was just unhappy with his life and missing his kids. Earlier, the court heard how Mr Depp joked that Ms Heard was a witch and should be burned. He texted his British actor friend Paul Bettany about drowning and burning her, then desecratin­g her corpse. In messages read out in court, Depp said: ‘Let’s burn Amber.’

American actress Winona Ryder and Depp’s ex-wife Vanessa Paradis will give evidence this week.

 ??  ?? GUEST OF HONOUR: Clutching books, including the title circled left, Amber arrives at the party yesterday with her girlfriend, Bianca Butti. Left: Amber’s lawyer Jennifer Robinson also arrives
GUEST OF HONOUR: Clutching books, including the title circled left, Amber arrives at the party yesterday with her girlfriend, Bianca Butti. Left: Amber’s lawyer Jennifer Robinson also arrives
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 ??  ?? SUPPORT NETWORK: Kylie Minogue, Kathy Lette and Sandi Toksvig are all backing Ms Heard
SUPPORT NETWORK: Kylie Minogue, Kathy Lette and Sandi Toksvig are all backing Ms Heard
 ??  ?? SOCIALLY DISTANT: Actress Cate Blanchett joined the get-together via Skype
SOCIALLY DISTANT: Actress Cate Blanchett joined the get-together via Skype
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