The Irish Mail on Sunday



In the original Italian recipe, parmigiana di melanzane, the aubergines are fried in oil, but cooking them my way greatly reduces the calories without compromisi­ng the taste. You can make it for the whole family or freeze it in portions.


● 1,100 g/4-5 aubergines

● Pinch of salt

● 250 g/1-2 leeks

● Light spray oil

● 1 tbsp olive oil

● 800 g/2 (400g) cans of whole peeled tomatoes

● 1 tbsp Swiss vegetable

vegan bouillon

● Black pepper to taste

● 125 g/1 light mozzarella cheese, grated


1. Preheat oven to 200C.

2. Slice aubergines about 1 cm thick and salt both sides. Leave aubergines to rest for 15-20 minutes to draw out sour water. Then rinse and place on a tray covered with greaseproo­f paper. Bake for 10 minutes.

3. Wash and slice the leeks.

4. Heat oil in a large non-stick pan and add the leeks. Fry gently for 1-2 minutes.

5. Add the tins of tomatoes, Swiss vegetable vegan bouillon and pepper.

6. Break tomatoes up with a spoon while cooking.

7. Simmer for 20-40 minutes without a lid so that the water evaporates and a sauce is formed, stirring occasional­ly.

8. Slightly oil an ovenproof dish using light spray oil. Place a layer of aubergines and then a layer of tomato sauce. Repeat this layering and finish with a layer of tomato sauce.

9. Cover the dish with tinfoil and place in the oven at 200C for 20-40 minutes.

10. Five minutes before the dish is removed from the oven, sprinkle with the mozzarella.

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