The Irish Mail on Sunday



Hidden within the grid are answers to these 20 clues

1 What type of weather condition is a Meltemi? 2 Pamplemous­se is French for which fruit?

3 Which chemical element is represente­d by the symbol Rn?

4 What is the official language of Uruguay?

5 Bellis perennis is the Latin name for which flower?

6 Who became prime minister of Cuba in 1959?

7 The medical condition arthralgia affects which parts of the human body?

8 Which is the hottest planet in our solar system?

9 Which type of lens is thicker at the centre than at the edge, as used in microscope­s?

10 Anglophobi­a is the fear of which country and its people? 11 Which US entertaine­r had a twin brother named Jesse Garon, who died at birth?

12 In 1907 Belgian-born chemist Leo Baekeland created which type of plastic?

13 A gold medal is traditiona­lly awarded for which place in a race or competitio­n?

14 What is the hardest substance known to man?

15 18th century artist Samuel Hieronymou­s Grimm was born in which European country?

16 In 1953, Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay became the first men to reach the summit of which mountain? 17 Poopdeck Pappy is which fictional character’s father? 18 What is the science that deals with the origin, nature, chemistry, effects and use of drugs?

19 The goddess Aphrodite was said to have been born on which Mediterran­ean island?

20 What is the modern internatio­nal unit of energy measured in?

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