The Irish Mail on Sunday




Back in 1973, as a relatively unknown actress, the legendary Joanna Lumley appeared for eight episodes, playing Ken Barlow’s love interest Elaine Perkins (left). Joanna recalls, ‘I loved her being a bit aloof and shy, and I hated having to say she longed to travel the world and not marry Ken. I wanted to stay forever! I still treasure a photo of me sitting on the pavement grinning my head off.’ In 2009, there was a plan for Elaine to return, but Joanna was too busy. She says, ‘What a treat that would’ve been... me and Ken getting misty-eyed again.’


The comic played Michael Rodwell, who was six-times-married Gail Platt’s most recent husband, from 2014 until he died from a heart attack in 2016. Les says, ‘It was a joy to join the show. On my first day, Michael burgled Gail’s house and I ran down the cobbles to his van – I was so overcome that I jumped into the crew vehicle!’


Rula, who played Ken Barlow’s most recent partner, Claudia (right), says, ‘If anyone had said, “What’s the least likely show you can imagine yourself being cast in?” I would have said Coronation Street. It’s set up in the north and I don’t sound right with a northern accent. But I was thrilled to be asked.’


The late comic and music hall expert Roy played undertaker Archie Shuttlewor­th from 2002 to 2010. ‘My wife is the show’s greatest fan,’ he said. ‘When I got the job you’d have thought I’d been made prime minister! The writer Daran Little created a lovely running gag: when I met anyone, I’d look at them and say, “Five foot eight, I’m not wrong, am I?”’

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