The Irish Mail on Sunday



Mr Wilder & Me Jonathan Coe

Viking €9.99

A love letter to the Hollywood legend Billy Wilder. Calista, a middle-aged composer and mother-of-two, looks back at 1977 when she was working for the film-maker on one of his last movies. His powers are waning and he is reluctantl­y beginning to accept that the ‘kids with beards’ – Spielberg, Scorsese et al – are the future. Coe’s obsession with Wilder is well known and this elegiac novella is utterly charming, deeply poignant and ultimately uplifting. And yes, it would make a great film.

Neil Armstrong

Shelter In Place David Leavitt

Bloomsbury €19.60 Leavitt’s ninth novel captures a rich, liberal Manhattan couple at the dawn of Donald Trump’s presidency. Eva is so horrified by his ascent that she craves a flat in Venice – a snip at $2million. Bruce, a dithering wealth-management adviser, is more worried about his ailing secretary. Minor crises come and go amid smart banter, and there’s a touch of Evelyn Waugh in these amusingly vapid creatures.

Jeffrey Burke

The Silence Don DeLillo

Picador €16.99

An American couple are flying home from Paris when a sudden cataclysmi­c systems failure forces a crash landing. From mobile phones to television­s, all the crutches of modern life are stripped away, sparking panic and recriminat­ions. ‘What do we do?’ wails the heroine. ‘Who do we blame?’ DeLillo’s dystopian novella, set in 2022, takes familiar literary themes and develops them with aplomb. The result is both unsettling and enjoyable.

Max Davidson

Angel’s Inferno William Hjortsberg

No Exit €11.99

Forty years ago William Hjortsberg wrote the noir classic Falling Angel, memorably filmed as Angel Heart. Shortly before his death in 2017, he completed this sequel. It’s an extraordin­ary slice of occult-tinged crime, set in Paris in 1959, where an American private detective tries to track down the man who framed him for murder – a magician with a devil-worshippin­g act. It’s like the Da

Vinci Code crossed with The Exorcist

– nightmaris­hly good. John Williams

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