The Irish Mail on Sunday

Reality is Majella doesn’t want to go solo, says Daniel

- – Niamh Walsh

COUNTRY crooner Daniel O’Donnell is back with a chart-topping new album, and despite it featuring a duet with his wife he says that Majella has no desires to pursue a solo singing career.

The eponymousl­y titled album was a mostly pre-Covid production and the songs will resonate with all for evoking life and times before the whole world stopped when the R hit.

There is one track on the album that was recorded during lockdown and which he holds dear to his heart.

‘The only one we recorded since was Remember Me – it’s a duet with Majella. We did it on The Late Late Show the night Majella and me came on to talk about the St Vincent de Paul. When we did it that night it just felt so nice. So we recorded it with a bigger arrangemen­t in the studio and it was just lovely to do that together,’ he says.

‘Majella has no great interest in a career in music, she wouldn’t want to be travelling and singing,’ he says. ‘She’s well able to sing, she has a lovely voice and she is well able to do it but she has no desire to have a career and sing; especially since she had her cancer treatment she reckons she can remember nothing.

‘But that time on the Late Late singing Remember Me was lovely; it’s lovely to have those memories.’

If Majella is content to take a back seat to her husband’s singing, she is unquestion­ably in the driving seat on their RTÉ reality show, Daniel And Majella’s B&B Road Trip, which enjoyed a roaringly successful twoseries run.

Daniel says: ‘We didn’t intend to do it this year. We had talked about it and we said we really didn’t want to be on the telly all the time, people will get fed up with us if we’re on all the time, so we decided we wouldn’t do another one.

‘Then sure didn’t they go and run the reruns and we were on anyways so we might as well have done a new one as we were on anyway,’ he laughed.

‘Maybe sometime in the future, who knows, we’ll see when all of this passes.’

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