The Irish Mail on Sunday

How gutless twerp Boris Johnson stopped my interview with Trump

- Piers MORGAN


‘Good morning, Mr Morgan,’ said a polite male American voice on the phone, ‘this is the White House switchboar­d. Are you free to speak with the President?’

I toyed with replying ‘Nope’, just to see how the guy reacted.

But of course I said yes, and moments later a familiar voice boomed into my ear.

‘Piers!’ said Donald Trump, who by the time you read this may or may not still be President. ‘How are you?’

We hadn’t spoken since he unfollowed me on Twitter back in April after I wrote a Mail column telling him to ‘Shut the f**k up, Mr President’ when he suggested people should be injected with bleach to cure coronaviru­s.

And I’ve been relentless­ly critical of his woeful handling of the crisis since then. So I was surprised, to put it mildly, that he called.

It turned out he’d seen me talking about him yesterday on US breakfast TV show Fox And Friends, and thought it was time to bury the hatchet. He dropped an immediate bombshell.

‘I actually got scammed by a fake Piers,’ Trump chuckled.

‘SORRY?’ I exclaimed.

‘Yeah, some guy rang pretending to be you when I was on Air Force One yesterday, and I actually spoke with him for a few minutes. He sure sounded like you. I guess we’ll soon be reading about it somewhere. A fake Piers, crazy, right… hahahaha?’

Only Trump could find such a prank funny. Most world leaders would be horrified to be caught out like this.

We spoke for 25 minutes about everything from Covid and the US election to Boris Johnson.

On the latter, I was finally able to confirm something that had been bothering me all year. I’d been due to interview Trump last December, when he flew into London for a Nato summit, but it was abruptly cancelled just before it was due to happen, and I was given some guff about ‘scheduling issues’.

At a Christmas party after Boris Johnson’s election victory ten days later, one of Boris’s campaign team boasted gleefully to me that they’d got the interview canned to stop me extracting potentiall­y embarrassi­ng headlines from Trump that might damage their chances of winning.

Trump’s people vehemently denied this to me, as did No. 10. But today I got the truth. ‘Boris begged me not to do it,’ Trump told me. ‘He really begged, and even mentioned the Queen, so I felt I had no choice but to postpone, though gh I knew you wouldn’t be happy py and would hammer me. And boy have you hammered ed me! But to be honest, t, I’d have done the same e if I were you.’

Of cou rse, my critique of his coronavi r us st rateg y had d nothing to do with him m canning our interview, ew, but it was fascinatin­g ng to learn just how far Boris oris — who ran into a fridge on the eve of the election to avoid honouring h i repeated pledges to speak to GMB, and has now led a 185-day boycott of our show because we da re d to a sk h is minist er s tough questions — will go to suppress off-message journalist­s.

He really is a gutless little twerp.


As we head into the second UK lockdown of this coronaviru­s crisis, I’m reminded of that most valuable commodity in such times: perspectiv­e.

Today is the seventh anniversar­y of my gloriously strong-willed and rebellious grandmothe­r Margot Barber’s (pictured above) death, and I often wonder what she would have made of this extraordin­ary year? After all, she was born in 1919, a year after the First World War ended and during the Spanish Flu pandemic.

She w was 10 when the US st stock market crashed, plun plunging the world into the Great Depression. Sh She was 19 when the Se Second World War started ,25 when it fin finished.

She lived th rough the Korean War, the Cuba Cuban Missile Crisis, JFK J FK a and Martin Luther King bein being assassinat­ed, the Vietnam War War, Aids, Chernobyl, two I Iraq wars, 9/11 9/11, the h Afghanista­n War and the 2008 financial crash.

She survived it all and then she died, aged 93, having spawned four children, 14 grandchild­ren, 39 great-grandchild­ren and the family mantra: ‘One day you’re cock of the walk, the next, a feather duster.’

I think she’d have told us all to get a collective grip, help each other as best we can and get through this weird, uneasy time in the knowledge that, like everything else in life, it will end. Oh, and she would also have recommende­d regular dosage of her preferred therapeuti­c ‘medicine’ — a dram or two of Scottish whisky.


Sean Connery’s death at 90 has sparked renewed debate about who’s been the best James Bond.

I defer to George Lazenby, one of only seven actors to play 007 (the others were David Niven, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig) for the definitive answer.

‘Sean Connery was James Bond,’ the Australian star told me when we played cricket together in LA a few years ago. ‘The rest of us were just imposters.’


My GMB colleague Kate Garraway has revealed that her husband Derek uttered his first words since lying in a Covid-induced coma for seven months, whispering the word ‘pain’ twice.

It’s the first real glimmer of hope Kate has had since her nightmare began.

We had a long chat over the weekend and her courage, resilience, determinat­ion and dignity in the face of such unimaginab­le heartbreak continues to astound me. She’s even retained her legendary cheery good humour.

‘If Derek comes through this, it will be the second-most miraculous achievemen­t of his life,’ I said.

‘What was the first?’ she replied. ‘Persuading you to marry him!’

We both laughed loudly for quite a while.

‘I’m going to tell him you said that when I speak to him later,’ she said.

Keep battling, Kate, and keep battling, Derek.

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