The Irish Mail on Sunday


- By Valerie Hanley

LITTLE Peter O’Callaghan may have few memories of his first Christmas. But it may yet be the most memorable ever for his Granny Jean.

The pair met for the first time yesterday when the youngster flew into Dublin Airport from Saudi Arabia with dad Paul, mam Hannah and big brother and sister Joseph and Catherine.

Grandson and granny will spend the next three weeks getting to know each other at Granny Jean’s home in Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin.

Ten-month-old Peter’s delighted mother Hannah explained: ‘We were to come home in the summer but because of the situation with Covid, we didn’t.

‘But we decided two weeks ago that we would come home for Christmas so Jean could meet the grandson she has never met.

‘Paul is a school psychologi­st and he gets a PCR test every week in school. We had a Covid test a day or two before we left Saudi and they were negative.

‘We will be going for another test on Christmas Eve and hopefully they will be negative but until then we will be selfisolat­ing. We won’t be mingling.

‘We were going to stay in Saudi for Christmas and that would have been easy. But we really wanted to be with friends and family.

‘And we wanted Jean to have her grandson that she has never met with her for Christmas.

‘It was a good decision and it feels like home coming through Dublin Airport. We don’t have

‘We wanted to be with friends and family’

Christmas in Saudi.’

She added: ‘We will have another test before we go back to Saudi and when we are back a few days we will have second test. So we will have had four tests in all.

‘I’m from Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, and my parents are in Northern Ireland and hopefully we’ll get to see them.

‘I think things will get better with this vaccine but we need to stick to the rules.’

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Paul and Hannah O’Callaghan with their children Joseph, Catherine and baby Peter
1 Paul and Hannah O’Callaghan with their children Joseph, Catherine and baby Peter

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