The Irish Mail on Sunday

Toyah’s nappy Christmas!

How will Corrie’s Toyah cope when all her wishes come true, with a baby to foster over the festive season?

- Tom Latchem

Cor on at ion Street’ s Toyah will experience her own Christmas miracle this year when she’s asked to foster a ba baby for one day – December 25 25th!

With Toyah unable to have childr dren of her own, she and partner Im Imran have just successful­ly applied to become foster parents, they get their first call from social services on Christmas Eve – to ask if they can accept an emergency placement of a baby, Mason, whose mother needs an operation in hospital.

Cue panic stations, but having a baby to hold is Toyah’s Christmas wish. ‘It means everything,’ says Georgia Taylor, who plays her. ‘She had six or seven rounds of IVF, which was a huge emotional, financial and physical commitment. Having children was her aim in life, and things haven’t worked out. She’s delighted to at last be able to explore her maternal side and put her energy into looking after a child.’

Toyah and Imran’s festive plans are happily thrown in the air by Mason’s arrival. ‘They’re shellshock­ed, because there’s little notice,’ says Georgia. ‘Toyah’s up to her ears in nappies and toys. The flat’ s upside down, it’s all going crazy, and they’re in a whirlwind. But they’re loving it.’

Even so, Toyah’s mindful of not upsetting her sister Leanne, who’s distraught after the recent death of her terminally ill son Oliver. ‘The timing is difficult,’ Georgia admits. ‘Leanne is in Toyah’s thoughts and she texts and calls her to check she’s OK, but Toyah’s in a bit of a bubble with this new child.’

Toyah and Imran feel growing ties to Mason and they’re then asked to look after him for longer. ‘The placement is only supposed to be for about 24 hours, but they get the news on Christmas Day that they’re going to be keeping Mason a bit longer,’ says Georgia. ‘They’re thrilled but it’s dangerous, because the more time they spend with him the more attached they get.’ Which means it’s tough when the time comes to say goodbye. ‘They’ve prepared themselves as much as they can, and Toyah tries to act like everything’s OK. But it’s obvious she’s crushed.’

Georgia hopes Toyah’s journey into foster parenting could herald the return for the first time in nine years of her mum, Janice (Vicky Entwistle), as support. ‘It would make sense for Janice to come back,’ she says. ‘I can’t speak for Vicky about whether it’s something she’d want, but I’ve had tweets about it, and she’s a brilliant character.’

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