The Irish Mail on Sunday

Who knew pigeons were romantic?

- Aisling O’Loughlin

Sur ely one thing we’ re all agreed on: it’s been one hell of a strange year. At one point, I found myself Googling: ‘Are pigeons romantic?’. I’ve spent a lot of time away with the birds, looking out the window on to the roof tops of Lorgue sand the rolling Provencal verdure beyond. Turns out they are. They mate for life. They even stick together when one is crocked and beyond repair. Pigeons give me hope. My spirit animal of 2020.

They’re curious, too. At night a couple perch one on either side of my shutters. We have the chats looking at the stars and wondering ‘What’s it all about Alfie?’. The pigeons are chill. They just be. They enjoy my Christmas tunes. I’ve put together a playlist of my favourites and it’s working miracles at keeping the madzers calm. Holy Night has the lads all doe eyed, colouring in pensively and most importantl­y, peacefully. Thank God( or whatever you’ re having yourself) for music. It’s been a balm this year. In the midst of all the confusion, a bop in the living room could shake off the heebie jeebies and rejig your energy in minutes.

It took the absence of gatherings to realise how much I miss dancing with friends.

My wish for 2021 is to have a wild night out on the tiles, hopefully many of them. Cannes was canned this year, but the memories from the year before with journalist Barbara McCarthy made me think, ‘I’m glad we pushed the envelope that night and squeezed every last drop of fun out of our trip’. We may have been the oldest broads on the dance floor but we showed the kids how it’s done. I want to be like Uncle Jack from Castle Leslie, to keep dancing until my last breath. It’s one of the great joys of life. ‘Let the children boogie. Let all the children boogie’... David Bowie knew. Let’s hope kids, big and small, get to let loose on the dance floor again in 2021.

We’ll stay put in France this year for Christmas Day, hold off until the dust settles. We still get to see Nana and Grandad in Shannon most evenings thanks to WhatsApp. We’ve become very close this year despite the distance and travel restrictio­ns. They’re troopers, my parents. I’m terribly proud of them. Three times a week my father heads into the Limerick Regional Hospital for dialysis. He’s grateful for the care. Our whole family thanks the nurses, doctors and staff for looking after him with grace and fortitude under trying circumstan­ces. On Christmas Day, he’ll start his treatment at seven in the morning. No family members allowed. It’s understand­able.

It makes me think U2’s Christmas gift to the Irish is so incredibly generous. Thank you Bono, Adam, Larry and The Edge for donating more than L9 million to provide protective equipment for medical staff. That is beyond decent. It’s that generosity of spirit and money that makes you proud to be Irish. For what it’s worth, the pigeons love a bit of U2. We’ll be playing New Year’s Day loud and clear on the 1st of January 2021.

Let’s hope we get to let loose on the dancefloor again in 2021

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 ??  ?? DONATION: U2’s millions towards protective equipment is beyond decent
DONATION: U2’s millions towards protective equipment is beyond decent
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