The Irish Mail on Sunday


Emile John on why his Emmerdale character is set to heap yet more suffering on Manpreet for abandoning him

- Tom Latchem

His father, Charles, is a clergyman but forgivenes­s does not come easily to Ethan, especially where Manpreet is concerned. This week on Emmerdale, it takes a chat with vicar Harriet to soften the young lawyer’s feelings towards the woman he knew as Saira who left him broken-hearted.

Ethan caused shockwaves on Thursday when he spilled the beans to Manpreet’s husband Rishi about how, 15 years ago, she duped Charles into believing she was single before disappeari­ng from their lives on the day she and Ethan’s dad were due to marry. The bombshell led to Rishi kicking Manpreet out of their home.

Meanwhile, Ethan, who lands a solicitor’s job this week, is wondering whether to move on or make Manpreet pay for hurting him so badly. ‘Ethan regarded Saira as his mother, particular­ly with the absence of his biological mum,’ says Emile John, who plays him. ‘He was devastated when Saira left, and grieved thinking she was dead. Now all the pain Ethan endured from two absent mothers has flooded back.

‘He’s furious because none of it was necessary as she was alive. Ethan is a person you don’t cross more than once. I think he’ll forgive Manpreet but he’ll want her to fight for it.’

Ethan, who is gay, is also part of a plot exploring Luke’s sexuality. Viewers have seen Ethan recognise Luke as being gay too, which is a problem for Ethan as Luke is dating Victoria. ‘Ethan is righteous,’ says Emile, 23. ‘If he senses someone – in this case, Victoria – is being lied to, he’ll confront whoever he needs to in order to make that right.’

Emile says he has a great rapport with Kevin Mathurin, who plays Charles. ‘It sounds a cliché, but once on set it felt we had this bond and chemistry. In fact, in real life our parents are both from the island of St Lucia. Kevin’s surname is rare, and my grandma shares it – we think there might be a connection!’

Emile, who recently graduated from drama college, is stunned his first TV job is in Emmerdale. ‘When my agent told me, I fainted; I literally dropped to the floor,’ he says. ‘It was incredible, an amazing feeling.

‘Coming into this straight out of drama school has been all I could have hoped for and more. This is a dream I’ve had since I was a child. To do it during a pandemic, it’s not lost on me how fortunate I am.’

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