The Irish Mail on Sunday

Lack of real world leaders at summit


PALE, stale and male can only be the communique coming from the G7 Summit, which jars with political pledges to prioritise equality, diversity and inclusion in the new world order that is being hatched out in Cornwall.

The summit is hosted by Boris Johnson who is in his element as head honcho welcoming what looks to be a global meeting of the Big Boys Club.

We have this lot to thank for so much. Their collective mishandlin­g of the pandemic, their individual ineptitude, their pointless political potshots at each other, their lacklustre leadership, failure to even make a ripple in oceans of waste, absence of real action to combat climate change and, of course, their paltry proffering­s to the world poor.

But given this is the G7 hand we are dealt we can but hope that this time they really act in the interests of the greater good.

The only sacrifice required of them is that they set aside their egos and agree agendas that are motivated by right and no might.

This G7 Summit, we are told, is as historic as it is crucial, given it will drive policy to lead us out of Covid into a brighter, better, more equal inclusive world. But if so, where are the females, the minorities and the youth?

Yes, there were a few females. Angela Merkel is exiting political life, so I hazard her input won’t much matter to the men.

Ursula von der Leyen is also there. But as an invited guest I think she will largely be obliged to be on her best behaviour.

The G7 leaders of the richest nations in the world have pledged that they will do good by us and have promised they will make a better place for all. But just like the line-up I fear that the old world order will remain the status quo.

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