The Irish Mail on Sunday


WIN €2,000


There’s an amazing €2,000 prize for the first correct solution drawn at random in our general knowledge Prize Crossword. Entries must arrive by Friday, June 18 (photocopie­s not accepted). Today’s solution will appear next week and the winner’s name on Sunday, July 4. You must complete the iSpy box to enter. SEE BELOW THE GRID for details on how to enter – and good luck!


11 Extinct marine arthropod abundant in Palaeozoic times (9) 12 A type of Arabian camel with a single hump (9) 13 An adult insect, produced after metamorpho­sis (5) 14 Judy –––, Hollywood actress born Frances Ethel Gumm (7) 15 Shrub or small tree with clusters of red, purple or black berry-like fruits (5) 16 The obstructio­n of an artery, typically by a blood clot or an air bubble (8) 18 A fast, rhythmic dance of the 1920s, named after an American city (10) 22 The largest lake by surface area in New Zealand (4,5) 24 A type of ornamental work made by knotting and weaving cord into a pattern (7) 27 Jimi –––, US singer-songwriter and guitarist who headlined the iconic 1969 Woodstock Festival (7) 28 A zone of farmland, parks and open country surroundin­g a town or city (9) 30 Ode On A ––– –––, poem written by John Keats in 1819, initially published anonymousl­y (7,3) 32 A person engaged in physical work, especially of an unskilled kind (8) 35 Stringed musical

instrument with a long neck and a circular, drumlike body (5) 37 Young swans (7) 38 Trademarks, company emblems or similar devices (5) 39 The ––– –––, American weekly magazine first published in 1925 (3,6) 40 Ancient Greek philosophe­r, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great (9)


1 Max –––, Austrian-born American composer whose film scores include King Kong and Gone With The Wind (7) 2 A specially equipped helicopter or plane that provides emergency medical assistance (3,9) 3 A room or hall for the practice of martial arts (4) 4 Bouts of excessive eating or drinking (6) 5 Bryan –––, lead singer with Roxy Music (5) 6 J. ––– –––, US lawyer and director of the FBI 1924-72 (5,6) 7 Historical­ly, a measure of land area equal to a quarter of an acre (4) 8 Paul –––, American Patriot immortalis­ed in a famous poem by Longfellow (6) 9 William –––, Archbishop of Canterbury under Charles I, executed in 1645 (4) 10 Shrub cultivated for its

large clusters of white, pink or blue flowers (9) 17 Jim –––, England cricketer who was the first player to take all 10 wickets in a Test match innings (5) 19 Japanese dish of a clear broth containing thin white noodles (5) 20 Entrance through which many Tudor prisoners arrived at the Tower of London (8,4) 21 Small Australian parrots which are popular cage birds (11) 23 A poisonous substance produced by bacteria, animals or plants (5) 25 A formal or authorised statement of beliefs, principles or opinions (5) 26 Non-technical name for the femur (9) 29 Augustin-Jean –––, French physicist after whom a type of lens and a unit of frequency were named (7) 31 Type of crustacean, such as a woodlouse or pill bug (6) 33 The capital city of 34 (6) 34 The second-largest state of the US, on the Gulf of Mexico (5) 36 Broadcast –––, film starring Holly Hunter and William Hurt (4) 37 A solid-fuel product containing about 80% carbon (4) 38 A type of jump in figure skating (4)

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