The Irish Mail on Sunday

I feared for their future, but the Bus Nutters are back along for the ride

- Fiona Looney

Iam on my first Dublin Bus since February 2020, and it’s just me and the Bus Nutter. In a way, I’m quite comforted to know his kind has survived Covid. At the same time, I probably would have preferred not to hear somebody else’s extremely random playlist – Huey Lewis and The News and Michael Jackson, anybody? — played aloud on a very poor quality mobile phone on my very first day back on the buses. It’s a Catch 22 really: it was only when he started playing his music through his phone that I realised the loud conversati­on he was conducting wasn’t actually a phone call. And that was how I could tell he was the Bus Nutter.

When you use public transport as much as I do, you come across a fair few Bus Nutters. One of my favourites was a tiny and incredibly sweary ancient woman who used to ride the old 50 bus to Crumlin when I was a teenager. She never ventured upstairs, but her conversati­ons did: it was impossible not to overhear her f-ing and blinding the whole way to the village. CIE, as it was back then, was the target of most of her ire, but she was also highly critical of the government­s of the day and bin men, who were all f***ers, as I recall. She was also perhaps disproport­ionately agitated over the price of tights.

There was a Bus Nutter child one time, a boy of about seven summers, sitting upstairs on the 150 and smoking violently, long after such a thing was permissibl­e on buses. When a fellow (adult) passenger made the mistake of giving him a withering look — the first rule of Bus Club is you never make eye contact with the Nutter — he roared out of him, ‘choose a window, Mister, ‘cos you’re going out of it’. When I told my Dad about that, he laughed so much he couldn’t catch his breath. For that reason alone, that child will always have a special place in my heart.

I like other people’s Bus Nutters too. The youth on my friend Ronan’s bus who sat beside a German tourist and tried to give him an English lesson —’you know the way you say “guten morgen?” Well we say “game ball,”’ probably wasn’t technicall­y a nutter but he certainly made me — though not the extremely uncomforta­ble tourist — laugh. And one of my very favourites was the man who shared an otherwise empty upper deck with my friend Tony, who happened to be carrying a guitar for a friend at the time (I can’t really explain why, but it’s funnier that it wasn’t his own guitar.) In spite of every other seat being free, the BN insisted on sitting beside Tony and staring at the side of his head for most of the journey into town. Only as The Smoke was approachin­g did he unleash his only conversati­onal gambit: “do you folly rock?” I enjoyed that story so much I put it into a TV show.

Of course, Tony’s new friend had something in common with a lot of the Bus Nutters I’ve encountere­d: a habit of sitting beside you on an otherwise empty bus. This, of course, is when Bus Nutters stop contributi­ng to the gaiety of the nation and become deeply unsettling. When I was still a young teenager, I had my first encounter with this latter type: a grown man who sat beside me, pressed his thigh against mine and then, for good measure, put his hand on my thigh. I’d like to think that if one of my daughters were to experience this now, they would immediatel­y report it to the bus driver. But that was the 1970s and they did things differentl­y there. I, like the eejit I was, did nothing, apart from endure this awful encounter all the way into town. Later, when men sat beside me on empty buses (I think it only happened twice more; I’m not a complete bus nutter magnet), I left my seat and sat downstairs instead, but it never even occurred to me to report it. And for the record, it’s quite possible that none of those men were actually nutters: they may just have been terrible people.

The Boy once witnessed a Bus Nutter being viciously physically assaulted by a passenger he was verbally abusing. And The Small Girl was once on a bus where another passenger died. Which is not the same as a Bus Nutter at all, but it just shows that all human life — even its endings — can be found on buses.

For that, and 150 other reasons, it’s nice to be back on board.

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