The Irish Mail on Sunday

Facialist’s glowing summer skin tips


Chelseé Lewis is one of the UK’s top celebrity facialists based in London’s glamorous Mayfair where she treats her many celebrity clients including, Gwyneth Paltrow, Stella McCartney, Suki Waterhouse as well as members of the royal family. An award-winning skin specialist, Chelseé has put together her top tips for glowing summer skin, and they are super easy to follow.

Chelseé’s first tip has many benefits, not least that it will reduce puffiness in the morning. She says, ‘Massage your skin yourself. Even just five minutes after you wake up gives you the feeling of new skin, as it improves skin texture, tone, removes antioxidan­ts and generally helps it to appear brighter. Products also absorb a lot better when your skin is improved through massage. I would suggest using either a cream cleanser or oil.’

To do this effectivel­y she suggests the following, ‘I would recommend using circular motions outwards and upwards towards the lymph nodes, ears and jawline once or twice a week at least, every night if you can.’

To get your skin glowing for summer, Chelseé recommends regular exfoliatio­n. She says, ‘I love exfoliatin­g! I would recommend doing it at least twice a week, as our skin sheds every 21-28 days so we need to in order for our products to penetrate properly. I would say the best products are scrubs with granules for more of an intense exfoliatio­n, or if you want a slightly gentler exfoliatio­n, use a peel which rubs off removing the dead skin with it. I would always recommend YonKa products for this.’

By removing the dead skin cells to boost healthier cells and radiance, she recommends adding face masks to your routine. Chelseé says, ‘I do a face mask every three days, so I would say at least two to three times a week. It is a good maintenanc­e between facials and always good to alternate between a clay mask and hydrating mask. Clay is decongesti­ng and the hydrating mask is always a must, as the majority of us are dehydrated when it comes to our skin.’

Her final tip for keeping ageing at bay is sunscreen. SPF daily is a no-brainer and 50 is best,’ says Chelseé. ‘Make sure you wear it every day and even on cloudy days. If you have SPF in your makeup then that’s fine, so long as it is at a high factor. I choose to use a tinted moisturise­r with SPF 50 in it daily.

 ??  ?? FACE THE FACTS: Chelseé’s skin routine is pure and simple
FACE THE FACTS: Chelseé’s skin routine is pure and simple

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