The Irish Mail on Sunday


Monday,9.35pm, RTé One


If you want history... PARTITION, 1921

One hundred years since Ireland was divided, this documentar­y explores the event. Michael Portillo (right) examines how the creation of a Unionist-dominated state, with an independen­t ‘Ireland’ as what was left over after Northern Ireland was establishe­d, was the only way to reconcile demands.

If you want a bitter end... INSIDE NO 9

Monday, 11.30pm, BBC2

Who knew that watching the Proms could be such a divisive experience? This last of the series is set on the summer festival’s Last Night, and Dawn (Sarah Parish) and Mick (Steve Pemberton, near right, with Reece Shearsmith) are hosting their annual viewing party – and it’s not a harmonious occasion.

If you want stunning scenery... AR SCáTH NA SLéIBHTE

Wednesday, 8.30pm, TG4

Presenter Cormac Ó hÁdhmaill (right) explores the mountains of Ulster, including Co Down’s Mourne Mountains. He learns about sheep farming at the foot of Slieve Donard and the Silent Valley Reservoir, and stops to chat with a few locals about how the area has changed over the years.

If you want science... HORIZON SPECIAL: THE VACCINE Wednesday, 9pm, BBC2

With unique access to teams of scientists around the world – including US viral immunologi­st Kizzmekia Corbett (right), who helped to design the Moderna vaccine – this tells the story of the race to develop safe and effective protection against a virus no one had ever heard of.

If you want art... GREAT PAINTINGS OF THE WORLD Friday, 9pm, Ch5

This week, Andrew Marr (right) turns his attention to ‘the most iconic painting of the English countrysid­e ever created’: The Hay Wain, by John Constable. He reveals the turmoil that lay behind this seemingly simple scene, and how the work inspired the Impression­ists.

If you want a good laugh... MY LEFT NUT Friday, 10.15pm, RTé2

The comedy starring Nathan Quinn-O’Rawe (right, with Sinéad Keenan) continues as Mick’s plan to hide his swelling backfires and the bulge in his trousers is the talk of the school. Tommy and Conor are thrilled at their best friend’s new ‘legend’ status, while Rachael thinks he’s spreading rumours about her.

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