The Irish Mail on Sunday

Hidden within the grid are answers to these 20 clues


1 Bernardo O’Higgins was an independen­ce leader for which nation in the Americas during the 19th century?

2 The Grand Bazaar, said to be the world’s largest covered market, is in which city?

3 The Norse adventurer Rollo was the first ruler of which famous Duchy of northern France?

4 What hugely popular annual celebratio­n takes its name from the Sanskrit for ‘row of lamps’?

5 What military leader’s name is an arm-lock applied from behind, typically used in wrestling?

6 What French term, meaning ‘high dressmakin­g’, refers internatio­nally to expensive designer clothing?

7 What is a person called who is unapprecia­tive or hostile towards the arts, derived from an ancient race depicted in the Bible as great enemies of Israel?

8 Which school of art was pioneered by painters such as Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque?

9 The 1972 Olympic Games in which city were marred by a terrorist attack targeted at Israeli athletes?

10 Tanganyika and Zanzibar united in 1964 to become which modern-day African state?

11 With which state in the American west are Mormons most closely associated?

12 What grammatica­l sign takes its name from the Greek words ‘under’ and ‘one’?

13 Which African country’s official name translates into English as Lion Mountains?

14 Bacchus, the Roman god of wine, was analogous to which Greek figure?

15 What is the Christian service or ceremony, named from Greek meaning grateful, commemorat­ing the Last Supper?

16 What does LP, meaning a vinyl album record, stand for?

17 What word, from Greek meaning ‘well sounding’, refers to a sound or effect on sound which is pleasing to the ear?

18 Horology is the study of the measuremen­t of what?

19 From Hindi for washing, what is an Indian washerwoma­n/man? 20 How many grooves are on one side of a standard 33RPM vinyl LP record?

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