The Irish Mail on Sunday


- By Stephen Adams

MANY will be alarmed that despite being doublejabb­ed, people like British health secretary Sajid Javid have tested positive for Covid-19.

But he is by no means a rare case: GPs in many countries are seeing increasing numbers of fully inoculated patients catching the virus.

In fact, in Britain more than 15,500 partly or fully vaccinated people a day are reporting Covid symptoms, according to the latest research.

That number has soared by around 40% in a week, says the ZOE Covid

Symptom Study, which uses an app downloaded by at least three million people to track the disease.

But a jump in cases among the vaccinated was always expected. Put simply, the jabs are better at blunting the virus than snuffing it out.

Latest figures show two doses of AstraZenec­a are 67% effective at preventing symptomati­c disease from the Delta variant, while two doses of Pfizer are 88% effective.

Two doses of the

AstraZenec­a vaccine cut the risk of hospitalis­ation by 92%. The figure is 96% for two doses of Pfizer.

A growing number of vaccinated people may be displaying symptoms – but most are not falling seriously ill.

Tim Spector, professor of genetic epidemiolo­gy at King’s College London, who leads the ZOE study, said: ‘While the figures look worrying, it’s important to highlight that vaccines have massively reduced severe infections and postvaccin­ation Covid is a much milder disease for most people.’

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