The Irish Mail on Sunday



After nine years away, the fact that Placebo’s eighth album is immediatel­y and continuous­ly recognisab­le as them should please their massive worldwide fanbase. Brian Molko’s metallic guitars and insectile whine coupled with Stefan Olsdal’s anchor-drop bass with an assortment of percussion­ists have sustained them for over 25 years. Age though has mellowed them considerab­ly; there is nothing as ferocious here as early classics Nancy Boy or Bruise Pristine. However The Prodigal recalls their Nineties hit Every You Every Me. Their knack for marrying hookladen melodies to dark lyrics is again evident on Surrounded By Spies and particular­ly Try Better Next Time where Molko, 49, sings, ‘So you know me, understand me, is that what you think? You haven’t met the monster who wakes up when I drink’. The album’s highlight Beautiful James works as either a song for a sleeping child or slumbering lover. Placebo’s fanbase will rejoice at their return but it might not markedly increase.

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 ?? ?? Placebo NeverLetMe­Go SO Recordings out now ★★★★★
Placebo NeverLetMe­Go SO Recordings out now ★★★★★

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