The Irish Mail on Sunday

Rotunda must deliver more than a female master


THE disappoint­ment of Drs Maeve Eogan and Jennifer Donnelly at being passed over for Master of the Rotunda is understand­able, as is feminist dismay at the role being handed to Professor Seán Daly, who has already experience­d that lofty position at the Coombe.

Yet, for all the perceived unfairness of the appointmen­t, it must be said there are far greater problems facing Dublin’s oldest maternity hospital than the frustrated ambitions of two highly paid and respected female physicians.

The hospital is Dickensian, comprising a warren of corridors, ramps and prefabs which makes it impossible to get from A to B without asking for directions.

The Rotunda also profits from the insecuriti­es of mothers-to-be by offering those who can afford it a private or semi-private service while running a public service for everybody else.

Even more iniquitous­ly the twotiered service extends to gynaecolog­y, meaning that unless a woman with, for example, symptoms of uterine cancer has €250 to spend on a private consultant, she must wait up to two years for a public appointmen­t.

Unlike its counterpar­ts in the capital, who have had female Masters, the Rotunda has never had a woman in the top job.

It may be time for a woman to be appointed Master of the Rotunda, but patient interest dictates otherwise. It says that the candidate who gets the nod should have a realistic plan to upgrade the hospital building and the drive to demolish the Rotunda Private – the thriving operation that delivers great prosperity to hospital consultant­s by ensuring that the inequitabl­e practice of delivering healthcare on the basis of wealth rather than need continues.

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