The Irish Mail on Sunday

Six in ten hit snooze button, then spend extra half hour in bed

- By Cormac Connelly-Smith

PRESSING the snooze button when the morning alarm rings is a temptation that many of us find difficult to resist.

But it might not be such a good idea. A comprehens­ive study has concluded that if you snooze, you really do lose.

Researcher­s found those who set a sequence of alarms to wake them in the morning are more likely to have a higher heart rate compared with those who rise to just one.

A consistent­ly high resting heart rate has been linked to a number of negative health effects, including diabetes and heart disease.

Researcher­s from the University of Notre Dame in the United States also discovered that snoozers were more likely to spend the last hour before waking in a light sleep, compared to the deeper slumber enjoyed by non-snoozers.

Of the 450 participan­ts involved, 57 per cent admitted to sneaking in some extra time in bed each morning, with women 12 per cent more likely to do so than men.

In a separate study, seven in ten cases of heart disease and stroke could be prevented with a good night’s sleep, researcher­s found.

Scientists at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research tracked more than 7,000 healthy adults aged 50 to 75 for a decade and found just one in ten regularly slept well.

Those who did had a 75% lower incidence of heart disease or stroke than the poorest sleepers.

In the US study, feeling unable to wake up from just one alarm was the most common reason for snoozing in the morning, closely followed by those who said they feel too comfortabl­e to get up. And the average time spent in bed after the first alarm going off was almost half an hour for snoozers, compared with nine minutes for those who set just the one alarm.

Despite regular warnings from sleep experts to banish mobiles from beds, the findings show phones are used asalarms four times more often than traditiona­l clocks. Participan­ts were most likely to use their phone’s ‘snooze function’ – which emits a follow-up alarm after nine minutes for iPhone users, or five to ten minutes for Android devices – than setting a dedicated alarm after waking up.

While researcher­s found snoozers did not suffer from increased sleepiness during the day, most experts recommend waking up later in the morning rather than falling back to sleep.

Sleep expert Dr Neil Stanley said: ‘Your body hates to be woken up by an alarm as it scares the wits out of you, your heart rate shoots up and your stress hormones rocket. It seems a bit strange to do that to your body repeatedly in the morning. It might not kill you, but you’re certainly not setting yourself up right for the day.’

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