The Irish Mail on Sunday

Two men, one gunshot ...who’s the VICTIM?


Essentiall­y, there are two signs that locals might be about to meet their maker — being kidnapped in a car boot or being held at gunpoint.

When Cain discovers Chas’s affair after going through her burner phone, he calls the number and is shocked to find Al answer. Ever the man to under-react in a crisis (not), Cain sets a trap, and armed with a shotgun goes off in pursuit of Al.

It was clear that Al’s phone was always going to get him into trouble. He’s been glued to the thing since day one, and if he were ever to have lost it, there is no doubt paramedics would have had to be called to revive him. Confident when faced with an armed Cain (above), Al is still doubtless relieved when Cain says the gun was only to get his attention (well, he managed that — though not as much attention as if he’d tried to nick his phone), and the two men fight. This is when the audience enters inevitable pantomime mode, yelling ‘It’s behind you!’ when they spot the gun lying on the ground. When both men reach for it and a shot goes off, which one is on the receiving end of the barrel?

With Alex threatenin­g to take away Clemmie if he doesn’t get Harriet’s money, what fate awaits him? Is the suspense killing you? Yes, it’s that old chestnut the car boot again (told you!), and when Kim lures Alex to her car with the temptation of the money… (pantomime cry erupts again: ‘Stay away from the car boot!’ When will these people learn, eh?). Kim is impressed with Will when he beats up Alex (she has such weird taste in men), and with Alex still insistent his demands be met, he’s left to suffer a night tied up in Home Farm stables. It could be worse. They could have kept him in the house — with them.

The week ends with a shocking truth that potentiall­y has devastatin­g consequenc­es. Harriet rises from the dead at her funeral to enjoy one more moment of passion in the vestry?

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