The Irish Mail on Sunday



There are so many benefits to effective sleep, and I have listed the main ones below. Before you read them, please close your eyes for a moment, breathe deeply and then bring the snapshot of your well-slept self into this moment.

Open your eyes and imagine feeling these benefits, starting now.


Your body regenerate­s cells, tissues and organs as you sleep, providing energy for the next day. You will heal and recover faster from any injuries or illnesses. For example, if you bruise or cut yourself, your skin will heal faster.


Your ability to recall facts and short- and long-term memories is improved. Your ability to focus and communicat­e your ideas has also increased. You will be able to recall facts and memories and speak with more confidence. For example, you will contribute more effectivel­y in meetings.


Your cognitive function improves and, as a result, you feel more confident. You can solve problems more easily and effectivel­y. What once took you an hour to complete is now done in half that time. You will excel in your studies or at work. For example, you will achieve higher results with less effort.


With optimal REM sleep, you feel calmer and more in control. You have transforme­d chronic stress into positive stress that motivates you to reach your full potential. You respond to situations rather than react to them, and as a result, your relationsh­ips are happier.

You are emotionall­y intelligen­t and resilient. For example, a relationsh­ip you find challengin­g becomes more manageable and fun.


You get ill less often, as sleep promotes the production of cytokines and immune cells to fight infections and viruses. You have fewer days off and more energy, and you bounce back quickly if you do get ill.


You have increased fitness levels as sleep improves reaction time, coordinati­on and endurance. You are physically stronger; you can carry heavy bags and walk or run upstairs more easily. You have more physical stamina for day-to-day chores like housework, bending and lifting things.


You are at a lower risk of developing a life-threatenin­g disease. Sleep reduces inflammati­on in your body — inflammati­on is a key contributo­r to the ageing process. You will live long enough in good health to play with the younger generation­s.

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