The Irish Mail on Sunday

Demolition order on estate

Wicklow council orders owners to knock down 65 houses in Kippure Manor to be used to house refugees

- By Valerie Hanley valerie.hanley@mailonsund­

WICKLOW County Council has ordered the owners of an allegedly unauthoris­ed refugee village in County Wicklow to demolish up to 65 houses – 50 more homes than previously exposed by the Irish Mail on Sunday.

The houses were built on the grounds of Kippure Manor Estate in Blessingto­n without any apparent planning permission.

Wicklow County Council has now taken legal action to ensure that the scenic property, which is close to a protected environmen­tal area, is restored to its original condition.

The local authority issued an enforcemen­t notice on May 10 warning the owners they must stop building work within five days. It also ordered the demolition of 65 houses.

Last month, the MoS revealed how a refugee village had been built on the site despite two warning letters being issued by Wicklow County Council about alleged planning breaches. The first of these warnings was issued in June 2022, just four months after Russia invaded Ukraine and thousands of refugees from that country arrived in Ireland.

Kippure Manor Estate is owned by a Dublin-based company called Tondo Limited, whose directors are listed as Eoghan Coughlan, 39, and 63-year-old Joe Christle. Both men are also involved in an investment firm called Quanta Capital, which has €1bn in assets.

And when questioned by the MoS last month about when work began on the site, the company refused to comment. It also refused to answer any questions about any ongoing building.

The planning controvers­y dates back to 2018 when Wicklow County Council first granted planning permission to replace a 343.5 squaremetr­e building damaged by a fire with a larger, 528.9 square-metre structure.

But the estate subsequent­ly changed ownership and by June 2022 four additional structures had been built without planning permission, according to the council.

These included a chapel-like building, a gate lodge and a stone-clad pedestrian bridge.

But instead of halting work on the site, constructi­on continued and almost two years later the site has been transforme­d.

By the time the council sent a second warning letter in January, no fewer than 20 unauthoris­ed structures had been built. These include 14 two-storey split-level houses, a large concrete retaining wall, and a wood-clad communal canteen.

But the enforcemen­t notice issued last week by the council revealed that, since its second warning letter about alleged planning breaches was issued in January, 51 extra homes have been built without any apparent planning permission. The council has now ordered that these be demolished within the next four months and that the foundation­s also be dismantled.

The council has also demanded that the terrace of 14 split-level homes be vacated and that the terrace be dismantled. It also warned the owners of the Wicklow property that if it fails to abide by these orders the local authority will demolish the buildings itself and pass the costs of the demolition on to the owners.

While Kippure Manor is owned by Tondo Limited, the property has been leased to another company called Seefin Events Unlimited, which lists the estate as its address. The directors of Seefin Events Unlimited are Carol Dwyer, 56, and Sinéad Fennelly.

Seefin Events was paid €10,444,565 by the Department of Integratio­n to provide accommodat­ion for asylum seekers last year – placing it in the top 30 accommodat­ion providers in 2023.

Ms Fennelly, 38, is listed as the company’s sole shareholde­r.

However, she and Ms Dwyer are directors of several other companies that received more than a combined €33m from State accommodat­ion contracts last year. These firms include Edgewell Unlimited Company, which was incorporat­ed in Ireland 14 months ago but is entirely owned by Bergvon LP Inc, which is registered in the Isle of Man, a tax haven.

It is listed as the sole shareholde­r for three of Ms Fennelly and Ms Dwyer’s companies that were paid €22,721,850 by the Integratio­n department last year. These include Gateway Integratio­n Unlimited Company (€16,830,000), Airways Centre Unlimited Company (€5,474,000) and Arturo Ventures Unlimited Company (€417,850), which received its first payment last November.

Gateway was among the top 15 accommodat­ion providers in 2023.

It is understood that a substantiv­e response is being prepared by the owners of the property to be delivered to Wicklow County Council in the coming days.

It is believed that they will attempt to claim that some of the buildings were already in existence and that, under a statutory instrument passed last year, they do not require planning permission to house refugees.

However, in a diagram dating the buildings on the Kippure Manor website, one developmen­t predates the statutory instrument signed into law by Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien in July last year and another refers to a ‘renovation/ rebuild’ in 2023/2024.

Rebuilding a structure would not appear to be covered by the statutory instrument.

Local county councillor Gerry O’Neill has described the developmen­t as a planning scandal.

He said: ‘You know, to see a beautiful part of the county – a town being built there without any planning. I mean, the people of the area have been in shock.

‘It has been very frustratin­g. As I pointed out at Monday’s meeting [Wicklow County Council] it’s probably one of the greatest planning scandals to hit the county in a long, long time.’

Fine Gael local election candi

‘One of the greatest planning scandals to hit the county’

‘This is industrial-scale breaching if proven’

date Peter Stapleton said: ‘Following my petition to the Minister for Enterprise to appoint an inspector to investigat­e the issues, I welcome the enforcemen­t proceeding­s now being taken by Wicklow County Council.

‘I outlined to the minister how an inspector may be required given the complex web of companies involved in this and to determine the level of unauthoris­ed developmen­t on-site.

‘It now seems that a staggering 65 unauthoris­ed structures are being examined. This is industrial-scale breaching if proven.’

A spokesman for Kippure Lodge and Holiday Village told the MoS: ‘Management at Kippure Lodge and Holiday Village are involved in ongoing consultati­on with Wicklow County Council in relation to planning matters at the property.

‘An enforcemen­t notice has been received from the council and management are in the process of examining the notice and replying to it. As this process is ongoing, it is not possible to provide further comment.

‘Kippure Lodge and Holiday Village is operated by Seefin Events and the company has invested significan­tly in renovating facilities on the site to the highest standards.

‘It is envisaged that in time the site will operate as a tourist attraction given its fantastic location and wonderful access to Wicklow Mountains National Park.

‘At present, the facilities are being used to house Internatio­nal Protection applicants at a time when there is increasing pressure on the country to provide emergency accommodat­ion given the high numbers of people seeking refuge, including those who had to leave

Ukraine. Seefin Events is a proud supporter of west Wicklow and supports the employment of 350 people directly and indirectly, many of whom live in the area.

‘Seefin Events is continuing to engage with Wicklow County Council in relation to planning matters involving the property and is confident that all matters will be either resolved or clarified.’

A spokesman for the Department of Integratio­n told the MoS: ‘Kippure Holiday Camp has been contracted by the Internatio­nal Protection Procuremen­t Service (IPPS) since 2022 and is currently contracted to accommodat­e up to 447 Internatio­nal Protection (IP) applicants. With all new properties contracted by the department to provide accommodat­ion for IP applicants, the local authority has a regulatory role in verifying that properties meet the required building, planning and fire safety regulation­s. Once all documentat­ion is received, the department continues to engage with the appropriat­e fire certificat­ion authoritie­s to ensure fire certificat­ion is up to date and once evidence of sign-off is received from the relevant authoritie­s and provided to the department, a contract is signed for the use of the property.

‘The department is aware of claims regarding unauthoris­ed buildings and understand­s that the constructi­on work which is the subject of media attention is separate to that in which the IP applicants are already accommodat­ed. The provider advised the department that Wicklow County Council has attended on site and a team of engineers continues to engage constructi­vely with the local authority.’

A spokeswoma­n for Wicklow County Council told the MoS: ‘This is a live enforcemen­t case and we have no further comment to make.’

‘Seefin Events is a proud supporter of Wicklow’

 ?? ??
 ?? ?? DIAGRAM: Owners of Kippure Manor Estate in Blessingto­n, Co. Wicklow have issued their own plan of buildings - which raises a number of key questions
DIAGRAM: Owners of Kippure Manor Estate in Blessingto­n, Co. Wicklow have issued their own plan of buildings - which raises a number of key questions
 ?? ?? OUTRAGED: Councillor Gerry
OUTRAGED: Councillor Gerry O’Neill
 ?? ??

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