The Irish Mail on Sunday

Victims of 1974 bombings deserve to know the truth


NO ONE has ever been convicted of the no-warning Dublin and Monaghan bombings. Some believe they were carried out on the orders of the British government using MI5 intelligen­ce officers attached to the British Army. Sources close to the probe said 30 people were involved in planning and carrying out the atrocities. It is understood they are still alive to this day, safe in the knowledge that they are protected by the UK authoritie­s 50 years later.

The victims’ families are still looking for justice and the truth of what happened that tragic day. Last month Northern Ireland’s High Court dismissed the UK government’s attempt to throw out the civil action taken by the survivors and victims families. After a crusade for justice lasting half a century, relatives and survivors deserve justice and to know the truth.

Noel Harrington, Kinsale, Co. Cork.

COLM MCGUIRK’S story about assisted dying (MoS, May 12) was timely.

The right to be helped to permanent sleep is a human right, when life has become unbearable and nothing can be done. But there must be secure, safe legal protection, so that nobody is pushed into making this decision.

Nobody should be made to feel they are a burden to family or society. And everything possible needs to have been done to elevate the person’s position and their life. It must be entirely and freely, the individual’s choice.

Having that human right acknowledg­ed legally will not encourage more people to avail of it. But it will be a comfort to any one in a distressin­g life situation to know it’s their right if they might need it in to the future. We need to put ourselves in another’s shoes, and think how we’d feel.

Margaret Walshe, Dublin 15.

COULD we not engineer a solution to our political apathy with more of a carrot and less of a stick? It would be interestin­g to see what the electorate turnout would be like during a vote if the Government were to offer something akin to a cash-back in our tax for everyone who votes in a general election.

John O’Brien, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary.

MAY 19 2024

 ?? ?? WINGING IT: A puffin landing on the cliffs of Ireland’s Eye off the coast of Co. Dublin
WINGING IT: A puffin landing on the cliffs of Ireland’s Eye off the coast of Co. Dublin

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