The Irish Mail on Sunday


Add drama to the bedroom with cladding, tiles, fabric or panelling behind the bed

- Emily Westbrooks

I’m smack in the middle of a primary bedroom makeover at the moment and what I’m really struggling with is what should go behind the bed. I could certainly stick with the typical large artwork above the headboard, but that feels a bit dull.

Instead, I started looking for inspiratio­n for alternativ­es to that single piece of artwork and came up with quite a few simple yet impactful options.

First, and possibly easiest, a single floor-to-ceiling curtain in a fabric that’s about the same colour as the walls.

A curtain adds texture, and can even insulate your bedroom from drafts.

Another simple option is to hang a panel of fabric behind the headboard, offering a pretty pattern without requiring wallpaper levels of commitment. A simple wooden frame can hang a large swathe of fabric in a very inexpensiv­e manner.

If you’re ready for something quite permanent, tiles are an unexpected wall treatment that would definitely liven up your bed’s backdrop.

While tiles can be expensive, installati­on would be very straightfo­rward as it just covers a rectangula­r area.

Moulding is another idea for a wall covering you could affix to the wall.

Wooden strips can be nailed on and painted the same colour as the wall for a sophistica­ted way to add interest to your space.

Moulding can also delineate spaces for artwork to be hung on an otherwise blank wall.

Finally, vertical cladding can be a stunning way to cover the wall behind your bed.

It’s bound to be a bit expensive, but it would certainly make a serious impact and transport you to a Swedish sauna — in the best possible way, of course.

 ?? ?? Try a curtain hung behind the bed (Furniture Village)
Try a curtain hung behind the bed (Furniture Village)
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