The Irish Mail on Sunday



The beetroot in this tart is not just a gesture but an integral part of the dish, adding to the texture, colour, flavour and sweetness.



■ 50g coconut oil, plus a little extra to grease the tin

■ 180g hazelnuts

■ 50g pumpkin or sunflower seeds

(or a mix)

■ 50g golden syrup

■ 15g cocoa powder

■ A pinch of fine sea salt


■ 320g raw beetroot, peeled ■ 100ml almond milk

■ 350g dark chocolate (minimum 70% cocoa solids) buttons, or chopped

■ 40ml brandy (optional)

■ A pinch of fine sea salt


■ Cream, ice cream or crème fraîche for a non-vegan option ■ Strawberri­es or other berries (optional)

Preheat the oven to 190°C/fan 170°C/ gas 5. Lightly grease a 20cm tart tin (3.5-4cm deep with a removable base) with a little coconut oil. To make the seedy nut crust, spread the hazelnuts and pumpkin and/or sunflower seeds out on a baking tray and toast in the oven for 5-6 minutes. Leave to cool then blitz in a food processor to a rough crumb. Set aside. Melt the coconut oil in a pan over a low heat and add the golden syrup, cocoa powder and salt. Stir until melted. Remove from the heat and stir in the ground seed and nut mix. Set aside to cool completely, then tip into the tin and press it firmly and evenly onto the base and right up the sides, using your fingertips to make a tart case. Place in the fridge to firm up.

For the filling, cube the beetroot, place in a pan and cover with water. Bring to the boil, then simmer on a low heat for 30 minutes until tender. Once cooked, drain and measure 250g of the cubes; place them in a jug blender and add the almond milk (keep leftover beetroot for eating). Blitz to a purée.

Melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a pan of gently simmering water. Stir until smooth then remove from the heat. Gently fold in the beetroot purée, brandy if using, and sea salt. Take the tart case from the fridge and pour the filling in. Chill for at least 2 hours before transferri­ng to a serving plate. Serve with cream, ice cream or crème fraîche if using, and berries.

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